Deserving Soul

The entrance to the door of the sanctuary, is inside of you… Rumi

There are times throughout are life that we may want to run away from our lives. Escaping to some sort of sanctuary, where you’re safe, loved, nurtured, and cherish for the tired soul that you feel, you are. You may be fortunate enough to have the means to take a trip to an exotic location, the ability to visit with someone you love for a time, or where ever it is that you feel would be sanctuary.  The problem is, that it only works for a moment, and not for the long term.

Like Rumi, I’m here to tell you that “The Sanctuary” that you’re looking for, IS inside of you. If you’re not feeling it, then that should be your main goal, to get yourself to that place.  Take care of yourself! Love, Nurture, and Cherish the deserving soul that you are! Do what you feel you need to do to get you to that point. If you need it, go to that other sanctuary, and let some time pass in your healing.  It may have taken you a long time to get where you are.  It may take a while to get to where you need to go. But eventually, and hopefully sooner than later, you will find the peace from within.  Go inward, sit still when you can, meditate or just keep your thoughts positive. Remember everything, no matter how small, that you’re grateful for in your life.  Exercise, move your body, stretch.  Start feeling yourself strong, and healthy, inside and out.

Start at whatever point you can, no matter how small, and take care of yourself!  I can’t think of a more deserving soul than you… 😉

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


Mindfully Ignoring…

“Mindfulness is the energy of being aware and awake to the present moment. It is the continuous practice of touching life deeply in every moment. To be mindful is to be truly alive and at one with those around us. Practicing mindfulness does not require that we go anywhere different.”  –Thich Nhat Hanh

Sometime the energy that it takes for us to be mindful, get’s diverted when the actions of another are hurtful, in the present moment. Our minds begin to wonder to past hurts, and negative thinking.  The trick, I believe, is to learn to ignore a lot more.  May be ignore is the wrong word, may be it is better said; to stay in the present moment, but to choose not to give “it” any energy.  Leave the pettiness of the moment behind you. Don’t waste a minute on “it”. In fact, don’t give “it” another thought.   Stand taller, be a better person, and choose to give your mindful energy to something positive around you.

Just as I’m writing this the door bell rings, the dog starts barking, the kids are talking, music has been turned on, and all of a sudden, there really is just a whole lot going on… when a thought of wanting some quiet time for meditation, reflection, and just a chance to finish this blog post mindfully flash through. So starting over, I reread what I wrote, and see so clearly, that we really don’t have to go anywhere different.  Learning to ignore a lot more, does serve us in many situations. I guess “ignore” was the right word after all.

So I’m mindfully going to finish this blog post, in a happy state of mind.  Celebrating the fact that I’m lucky to be alive, I have time to write, a computer, the internet, and sooooooo much more.

So today and all days, use your energy to celebrating all that is good around you now, and ignore the rest!

Life just got a whole lot better…

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


A Well-appointed Body and Soul

“As a good wine must be kept in a good cask, so a wholesome body is the proper foundation for a well-appointed inner ground.” –  Johannes Tauler

Our mind and body is linked.  There is no separation.  What we think and feel resonates throughout our bodies. These biochemical reactions work to make our life and health, better or worse.  It is with this thought that we must guide ourselves to always seek, the positive life enhancing activities, for our body and mind.

Have you ever noticed in your life that when things are bad, that it just seems like more bad things happen. Or you may think of a friend that is always sick, and they just happen to work around horrible people in a horrible environment,…like – prison. That may be an extreme example, but I bet you know where I’m going with this…

Finding peace and happiness comes from within, but our physical, and mental wellbeing sometimes needs us to recognized and then remove ourselves from bad situations. Remembering to only keep good positive people around us. To alway focus our minds on good thoughts, and by shifting those thoughts, when necessary. Then by exercising, eating well, and just generally taking care of ourself, we will have that proper foundation for that well-appointed body and soul.

Feed your soul! Nourish your body and mind! You ARE a total package!  You deserve the best!


Just a thought,

Love, Goldi