Opportunity in Change

When change presents itself, either voluntarily or not, it’s these little adjustments in your life that can create big shifts.   Take the opportunity, to make the change into something great. Go after what you want.  It’s your life, and your duty to yourself, to live a happy and fulfilling life. Live passionately, and go after what your heart is calling you to do. You are in charge. You have the ability. You get to decide. You get to act. You have total carte blanche to do what you want with your life.

So go and create your “just right” life.

Just a thought…


Love, Goldi

Alive With Endless POSSIBILITIES

With every breath we live. With every breath we welcome another moment for what is possible.  A chance meeting, a job opportunity, a kind word, and an opportunity for us to not only receive good, but to give it.  It’s all these little moments that add up to something big.  So breathe, and take in with that deep breath, an awareness that you have everything right now that you need.   Appreciate the air and the ability to feel the warmth or the cool against your skin.  Appreciate the sky in it’s darkness or light that brings us the growth that sustains us.  Appreciate everything and everyone around you.

Remember You are alive and The possibilities are endless.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


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A Good Beginning

A good beginning is one that is altered by the end, and with the ending of 2010, another yearly cycle has begun. We have lost the ability to direct or change the ending, to our year in 2010, but we have the great opportunity to begin this year in a way that makes us proud of the ending we create for 2011.

Imagine what your life looks like a year from now?  What do you look like? Where are you? What are you doing? How do you feel? Now imagine living this life everyday, being joyful, happy, fulfilled, and at peace. Feel the gratitude of truly living your life. Imagine looking around you each and everyday, and being grateful for all you have. You see only the possibilities and the opportunities around, because you know what you want, you know where you want to go, and you know what you need to do to get there. Allow yourself to be and have everything you want. You deserve it.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

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