
The traditional Thanksgiving Day has come and gone, but it made me think, shouldn’t we celebrate it every day? Studies have shown that people who are grateful have higher levels of well-being. They tend to be happier, more satisfied, develop self acceptance, and purpose in their lives.  They sleep better, and cope better, with positive thoughts and actions.  Life just tends to be better!   And, I am all for that!

So Cheers to celebrating Thanksgiving each and ever day!

Just a thought!

Love, Goldi

No longer searching…but having the perfect life in a perfect world!

Fill the Negative with the Positive!

A reader wrote to me, and wanted to share what she learned from Al-Anon saying that she used it not only to help her family member but also to help herself.

“It comes from my little “One day at a time in Al-Anon” book

(AA is for the alcoholic; Al-Anon is for the family of the alcoholic)

Before AA comes into the life of an alcoholic, and before Al-Anon reveals a new way of life to us, correcting one’s faults seemed to depend entirely on will power, directed at eliminating them.

Bad habits and compulsions cannot be conquered by determined resolutions or promising ourselves that we won’t go on doing this or that.  They cannot be rooted out – for what would fill that vacuum?  They must be replaced – with their opposites.  The secret is to substitute the positive for the negative – the I will for the I won’t.

Today’s reminder:

If I am morose and discontented, I will deliberately cultivate happy thoughts.  If I am prone to criticize, I will seek out what is good and pleasing and fix my mind on that.   I will replace my fruitless doubts and fears with faith and confidence.  If I am bored, I will learn something new – even a new way to make the same old chores more enjoyable.”

So let us digg all of those negative thoughts, feelings, actions, words, out of our body, mind, and soul!  And make a conscious effort to fill up and seek out the positive in everything we do, say, and feel!

Just a thought!

Love, Goldi

Searching for the perfect life in a perfect world…

Making a Difference

I ended my blog the other day with my usual tag of Love, Goldi – Searching for the perfect life in a perfect world…but then I added something that has been on my mind for a while. “Remember that to make a difference in the world we need to begin with ourselves. The choices that we make influences everyone around us, and to change any part, changes the whole.” Whatever we do, say, or feel has a rippling effect…if someone walks into the room with a really positive happy outlook, and is boiling over with enthusiasm.  You feel it! It makes you start feeling more optimistic, and then it makes who you are around feel a little better, and so on, and so on.  Think about it…if everyone just genuinely smiled, even if the thoughts and feelings of gratitude came from the place of Thank God that I have the ability to smile, the world would be a better place. The same weight is placed on our actions and the choice we make.  Have you ever noticed if one person moves into a neighborhood and straightens the house and yard up, that it makes everyone else want to do the same. It makes everyone want to be better.   So I think our job is the same whether we choose to be Doctors, Housewives, or Automotive Mechanics, we are to be happy with what we choose to do, and we are to do it the best that we can.  If we are not, then we need to find what brings us joy.  Do not compare yourself with others, just do what feels right for you.  Take care of yourself physically and mentally, so that others feel the joy.  Choose what is best for you, and you will help make the world a better place!

Just a thought!

Love, Goldi

Searching for a perfect life in a perfect world…smile!