Life IS Beautiful

Sure my blog is full of idealism, seeing the world full of happy, joyous people, living their life with passion. I continually spew words of love and faith, in the hope to that you will see it too.   I realize the five o’clock news, and your life may tell you a different story, but where does that get you… 

Nothing says that you can’t see the world as wonderful as you want it to be.  Nothing says you can’t believe that everything is getting better, moment by moment, day by day. The more you focus on whats good in your life, the easier it gets. I mean, Do you want to be happy? Then, where is your focus?

Miracles ARE around us everywhere, simply with the blue sky, spring flowers, old friends laughing, musicians playing, and much, much more. If you look – you will see life as truly being beautiful.

I write to help put yours/my attention on this big beautiful world that we live in. That’s what I do here on this blog. That’s where I want my focus. You get to decide where to put your intention… What world do you want to see? What world do you want to live in?

Just a thought…

With Love Always,


Hope You Never Stop

To truly succeed in life, you have to be you; you have to be authentic, you have to live your passion, you have to be real! We are all different and there are many paths. Remember always to honor the divine in you! The part of you that makes you special, makes you unique, makes you – you.  Go with that part! Run with it! Nurture it! If something inside you is calling you to it, then you should head that way.  It may be just to get you to change directions, and it maybe taking you directly to that point.  In either case, it needs you to investigate a little further.  

Your job is to take care of you. You are first! Do whatever it takes. Stay positive, and fill yourself, until your cup runneth over.  At that point you’ll feel like an eternal spring of great energy coming in and out. Then give, give, give.

Relax, take care of you, and Be Yourself – I hope you never stop!

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


Sing Your Song

A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.  -Maya Angelou

What is your song? What is your passion?  You have a responsibility, to yourself, to live a full life; a responsibility, to stand up for yourself, and to make the choices that lead you to that life.  It doesn’t have to be one big thing. It can be a number of little things. Don’t shy away from your good. Be bold – You deserve it!

Sing your song!


Love, Goldi