Pour Energy Into What Is Right With You

Pour energy into what is right with you, as energy is all around you. It exists around every living thing – plants, animals, people. It’s in the air, the atmosphere and the earth itself. It circulates everywhere in entire universe, and this flow of energy connects everything – places, people, and things. We live drawing in energy to us at every moment, and it’s this energy that supports our life, as well as the life of all you seek to have. For most of us we may not fully understand laws of energy and Physics. Where it’s easy for us to see water converted to steam, I’m still amazed that I can wirelessly write on my laptop and post an article on something that can instantly be read simultaneously all over the world. We don’t have to fully understand it, we just have to remember that we are affected by the energy we put out, and by the energy we’re around.

So one of the best things we can do for ourselves is to live mindfully.  Aware of where we are, who we’re around, our thoughts – are they positive or negative, and the energy of the food were eating – is it grown with loving care naturally, or chemically produced in a sterile environment and put into a cardboard box.

Where we can’t however control who’s around us, or places we need to go, at every moment. And, where we’re not eating constantly throughout the day. Our minds however are always busy. So controlling our thoughts, or maybe detaching from them, should be our greatest work. If we mindfully become more aware of our thoughts, and with detachment become aware if the thought is something we need to react to, like a car racing toward us as were stepping onto the street, or if our mind is just bringing us drama. Pulling us into a state of anxiety, anger, or depression.  If we’re paying attention we can redirecting our thoughts by pouring energy/attention into all that is right. For instance, we moved into an extreme fixer upper of a home, and five months in we still have more ahead of us than behind us.  But I’m choosing, every time I become aware of my thoughts being negative, shifting, to pour my thoughts to that of profound gratitude that I get to live where I do. Their is always something you can be grateful for -if nothing other than that I’m still breathing, and still have the privilege to Live and Enjoy Life. It’s all realitive.  You can always find more or less if you look for it. So begin to find every thing you like in your life – thats right in your world, and attach profound gratitude to those thoughts, feel it in every part of your being – your life will begin to change. This redirection of energy brings more happy situations, and more reason to be grateful.

Just a thought-

Love, Goldi

A Mini Vacation From Stress – Yoga on the Mat!

I first came into Yoga as a way to bring myself, a few moments of peace. Becoming centered, grounded, and present, focusing on my breath, focusing on my body. Then breathing some more, moving, linking my breath with movement, bringing my mind and body totally into the present. Then with the awareness of the moment I was in, and lack of the awareness of everything else,  I was able to bring myself to a place of stillness in my mind and body.  I was able to sit with peace, and then focus my thoughts on all that I had to be grateful for.  Mini Vacations is what it felt like. A retreat just for myself. Filling my day with positive thoughts all day long.  With yoga practice we find these moments.

Live with Peace.

Just a thought,

Love, Goldi

Too Blessed to Be Stressed

Too blessed to be stressed, a quote stolen from a friend, and a 99 year old patient that comes into her office. How blessed we are in this moment. How many things do we have, that we take for granted. How always in hindsight, everything works out for the best. Opportunities come our way, and the ones that we wish would and don’t,.. finding out they were best left alone.  Troubles, clearing a way, so good can come. Having breath, which gives us life, enabling us to experience all that life offers,… if only we take the time; to notice, to be grateful, to feel how truly blessed we are.

Just a thought…

Loving life and living blessed,
