Foreshadowing Life

The other day my thirteen year old stepson and I were watching a movie, that we had already seen before. Throughout the movie he kept shouting out examples of foreshadowing. A term he had learned that day at school, where the writer is preparing you with clues, for whats to come. Foreshadowing can be both a positive or a negative event. I had heard the term before, but this time, thinking about it stuck me, as well, funny…because it seems to work the same way in real life.  As we are metaphorically writing our own story, we foreshadow our life by speaking and writing about things that come true.  You usually get what you believe, and you believe what you say or write, or at least start to.  Soooo, only speak or write what you would like to happen…  Say, it’s going to be a great day! Great things come our way!  Life is Good!

How will you foreshadow your story…

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi



Bring Joy!

People want you to be happy. 

Don’t keep serving them your pain! Rumi

Be in charge of the energy you carry.   Carry positive joyful energy, and it will be felt by everyone,…especially you! Do you like interacting with people when they are anything other than positive?   Do you like how you feel when you’re the one, who’s bringing the anything other than happy and joyful energy, to the party? Do you want to make people feel sad around you? Then, for your self and everyone around you, carry your joy!

It serves you, your friends, your family, and anyone else that you interact with, to be happy and joyful. Be in charge of your world, and only bring joy to your friends, and to the people you love…


Just a thought…

Love, Goldi



With Love Like That…

…And still, after all this time, the Sun has never said to the Earth, “You owe me.” Look what happens with love like that. It lights up the sky. – Rumi

Love is the the most powerful and still most unknown energy in the world – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Someday after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God, the energies of Love, and then for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire. – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

What if, like the sun, we unselfishly shined our energy of Love. If not everyday, perhaps at least, on Valentines Day.  If every man, woman, and child’s selfless, unconditional love for another soul, treated every person they met with compassion, kindness, and with a profound tenderness and affection. How powerful would that be…Love flooding the world, with positive gift’s for the good of all! What would be possible with Love Like That!

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Please share, repost, or retweet. Plant the seed of possibility, of a perfect life, in a perfect world…,  Sending Love, Love, Love OOOOOXXXXX, Goldi