A Well-appointed Body and Soul

“As a good wine must be kept in a good cask, so a wholesome body is the proper foundation for a well-appointed inner ground.” –  Johannes Tauler

Our mind and body is linked.  There is no separation.  What we think and feel resonates throughout our bodies. These biochemical reactions work to make our life and health, better or worse.  It is with this thought that we must guide ourselves to always seek, the positive life enhancing activities, for our body and mind.

Have you ever noticed in your life that when things are bad, that it just seems like more bad things happen. Or you may think of a friend that is always sick, and they just happen to work around horrible people in a horrible environment,…like – prison. That may be an extreme example, but I bet you know where I’m going with this…

Finding peace and happiness comes from within, but our physical, and mental wellbeing sometimes needs us to recognized and then remove ourselves from bad situations. Remembering to only keep good positive people around us. To alway focus our minds on good thoughts, and by shifting those thoughts, when necessary. Then by exercising, eating well, and just generally taking care of ourself, we will have that proper foundation for that well-appointed body and soul.

Feed your soul! Nourish your body and mind! You ARE a total package!  You deserve the best!


Just a thought,

Love, Goldi


The moment that we are in…

Today I started working out. Part of my perfect life is having a healthy body. I also, embarrassingly, would like to look a little better, and get rid of some of these soft spots that have developed.  I’m not really over weight for most of America.  I am, however, about 20 lbs overweight, if you are in New York, Miami, or LA.  My main goal is to maintain my health, and fortunately I have always been very blessed in this area of my life, but last week – my brother had a heart attack!  I think I am still in shock. He is too young. I never expected to get that call.  He is doing okay, and I’m putting it out there right now, that I am expecting a full recovery!

I feel like I am on the right path of working towards my perfect life, and everything that I want in it.  I have moments however when I start to revert back to my old way of thinking.  The phone call from my brother was a hard reminder that we are only guaranteed the moment that we are in.  So we should be doing something that we love, or we should be with someone that we love, or a function serving a purpose that will help us or someone we love. Why waste any moments on anything other than joy, love, happiness, and hope. Connect only with good people and good thoughts.

Lets not waste any time – it is too precious!  What is your next step toward creating your perfect life?

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi
