Morning Kiss

Many years ago I had a friend who programed her coffee maker that she called her “boyfriend” every night, and then in the morning she would wake up and think  awe… my boyfriend  made me coffee😉 It brought her so much joy, and now she has a husband that’s very attentive to her and brings her coffee in bed. It’s much like what I did with my blog here. I wanted to live a life that was perfect for me. I started writing about it, and now I’m living it. And, it’s with this thought that I wanted to create “Morning Kiss”.

As you may know I have a new website called Azul Yoga. I’ve linked it here and to this blog.  In creating my perfect life I became a yoga teacher. It keeps me grounded, and healthy in body and mind. And, as you man not know, a few months after I moved close to the beach I started waking up every morning before sunrise and heading down to the beach to meditate. Everyday, I became more and more infinitely aware of my connection to myself, and my connection to the whole. And, as the sun rose. I became more and more aware of the diversity and magnificence each day brings. I’m not always in the same spot, but I can be for days on end, at the exact same place; and the sunrise, the shore, the tide, the waves, the sky, the color of the water, everything is different and unique every day, and in reality changes moment to moment. Where photos I’ve taken fifteen minutes apart from each other looks like the difference between night and day in comparison.  It has become so illuminating to me, witnessing the infinite possibilities of the day, that I wanted to share it with everyone. So I started posting sunrise photos, on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, my Azul Yoga website, and other social media sites. Then I added quotes or positive thoughts along with the photos. And, then I thought – How cool it would be to not have to go look for it but to receive it via email, like a good morning kiss, or a friend bringing you a cup of coffee in the morning. So I’ve linked it to my Azul Yoga website which is where I’ve been posting my photos, and now I have it set up to where if you subscribe to the Azul Yoga website you’ll begin to receive these daily greetings and inspiration. My intention with the “Morning Kiss” is to create a positive beginning to our day, to individuals all over the world, mindfully linking our connection to ourselves, and to the whole that we can and cannot see, but with a knowing that we are all linked – Like the sun that shines on us all.


Below is an example of today’s “Morning Kiss” as seen on

Good Morning You Beautiful Soul!

Anything in any way beautiful derives its beauty from itself and asks nothing beyond itself. Praise is no part of it, for nothing is made worse or better by praise. Marcus Aurelius.


Finding your Life’s Purpose

I use to find the question – what do I want, to be the hardest question to answer. My mind would instantly think of all the things that I didn’t want. Usually things that were in my life, or that had been in my life, stuff that just wasn’t working would keep popping up. And, I came to realize that was pretty typical for most of us.  Focusing however on what we don’t want, just brings us more of what we don’t want.  So instead, I ask myself, who do I want to be… What does my life look like… and then, What are my daily habits of this life, that make me this person.  When I ask these questions, it becomes clear of what I needed to do, to live my life purposefully.

So, – who do you want to be? What does your life look like being this person?   And, what actions do you take everyday, living your life as this person?

Now, go do it! Take action! Live it!

Just a thought 😉

Love, Goldi

A Mini Vacation From Stress – Yoga on the Mat!

I first came into Yoga as a way to bring myself, a few moments of peace. Becoming centered, grounded, and present, focusing on my breath, focusing on my body. Then breathing some more, moving, linking my breath with movement, bringing my mind and body totally into the present. Then with the awareness of the moment I was in, and lack of the awareness of everything else,  I was able to bring myself to a place of stillness in my mind and body.  I was able to sit with peace, and then focus my thoughts on all that I had to be grateful for.  Mini Vacations is what it felt like. A retreat just for myself. Filling my day with positive thoughts all day long.  With yoga practice we find these moments.

Live with Peace.

Just a thought,

Love, Goldi