Walking Your Path

Walk your path, not somebody elses. Choose your path and don’t compare it to another persons. Don’t get caught up in what someone else is doing. Their’s a reason your headed in your direction. You may not understand why, but it will work out for your best interest, if you let it. Why worry, anyway, about what path someone else is on. If you were suppose to be on that path, you would be on it. Their is a reason that your on the path that your on, so forget what everyone else is doing, and focus on what your doing. Just because the sun is not shining now, doesn’t mean it won’t be later.

We want control and for people to believe, feel, and behave, exactly in a way that we want, an exactly how we want. And, in regards to ourselves, we want exactly the same really, for everything to happen when an how we want. When  deep down we know that the reality is that people are going to react, judge, and place us exactly where they want in their own lives, whether it’s what we feel is in their best interest or not.  We don’t understand, it doesn’t feel right, as to why they are making these decisions, when really, who are we to say.  Letting go with faith in a higher power, that if we continue on our journey that we might be placed in something far greater than expected.

We stepped into our paths, most likely, because we were being called to it in some way. So keep stepping in that direction, and don’t worry about the reactions and decisions of others. Keep walking, keep moving on your path. It doesn’t matter if your solo, following someone, or if someone is following you. If you feel right on this path – keep going. Focus only on you. Control your mind if you want to control something, by redirecting your thoughts to positive ones.

We are all different, embrace your uniqueness and live your own life, and let others live theirs.


Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Truth – With Love and Light

“A pure heart open to the light, will be filled with the very essence of Truth.” ~ Rumi

I had an awakening this week, after receiving the gift of a Thai Massage. I felt as if I could feel my prana, energy, vibrating and dancing about. I’ve been told that we’re not solid objects, and for the first time I felt that way. I’ve had massages before and have left feeling wonderful and relaxed, but this was different. The gift giver suggested after, that I go to the beach and sit with my feet in the sand, so I went. I never felt so connected and unconnected at the same time. Within myself I felt as if like i was the center of the universe. And, although there were lots of people around, when I listened for outside sounds, all I heard was the waves crashing in the sand. It was easy for me to keep going inward, and instinctively I new what I should do. When to move, eat, and head home. Honoring myself in the simplistic of terms. When I arrived home I was exhausted, even though it had only been a few hours and even though I had a good nights sleep. Not wanting to lose this feeling, a definite change in my whole being, I just lay still for a few hours.

A week later, I’ve allowed the beautiful essence of this gift to fade. Why is it that we sometimes allow ourselves to default to the place inside us, where we don’t want to be. Why is it so hard for us sometimes. Why do we allow stuff to affect us, when we know better,… habits, I realize, take time to change. So, recognizing the habits, honoring ourselves, and giving yourself the moment to make the shift, is sometimes, the best we can do until the new habit takes form.

Be easy on yourself, but see your truth, see your drama. Let it go, an start shifting your thoughts, and life, to where you really want it to be. Do you really want to live in the drama – step back, step away, turn.  Start focusing on what you want, and how you feel strength, in your peace.

Speaking my truth, with love, and light,





Gratitude of Breath

Meditate for a moment, with gratitude, of all that you have to be grateful for, starting with your breath… this is what I said at the end of teaching, my very first yoga class, this past weekend. Because in yoga, and in life, we begin and end with breath.  There are times in our lives where we forget that simple fact. We get caught up in the drama of whats going on around us, that we forget that we have anything to be grateful for, when we really have so much.

I believe that the things that come so easy to us, are our greatest gifts. We take our breath for granted, but without it, we would have no experiences at all. Think about how important your breath would be to you, if you knew you only had five more breaths. Think about other basic and awe inspiring gifts that you have; like your sight, your sense of touch, the ability to feel, to taste, to hear, to heal, to think. If any one of these were the newest invention, how badly would you want them. Think about other talents that are unique to you, they just come easy. You are amazing, and you didn’t even have to do anything.

Then give yourself a little self love , and reflect, – on just how amazing you are!

Then come back to your gift of breath… We haven’t been promised any set amount. We aren’t owed this opportunity. Yet we have the opportunity to take care of these gifts, to use them, cherish them, and to create experiences for them. Be grateful for this opportunity. Be grateful for, if nothing else, your breath.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi