YOGA – Rebuilding From The Inside Out

To seek greatness outside yourself is turn your back on the treasure within.~ Alan Cohen

You are the great treasure! You’re amazing!. You’re not like everybody else. You’re special, just as you are, so listen within. Listen to your own inner guidance, and be guided from within. Tap into the source, and the potential of all of the unique gifts that have been given to you. Start looking inside, notice your own breath, and how your body moves. Find and pay attention to the fluidity in yourself. Aware of you personally, on and off the yoga mat.

Where you are in this moment. Look around and notice without judgement the different objects and shapes, the colors, the people, the sounds, the smells, and then start to bring your attention inward. Noticing how you feel. The weight of your body on whatever your sitting on, the natural rhythm of your breath. Then close your eyes and take a moment to take a few deep breaths, noticing if your breath slows down, once your breath has returned back to it’s natural rhythm  Feel yourself calm and at peace. Sit for a moment just being you. Happy and at peace of being you, and only you. Being content to be just as you are.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


Drink What You Pour

One day during my yoga teacher training, I asked my teacher: how do you stay up and keep your own energy, when everyone seems to want something from you. He looked at me and said, drink what you pour.  I walked away in silence, and thought, of course…LOL, we know what to do, it’s everything we tell others.  Believe and live what your saying. That’s what I’ve been doing with this blog, reminding myself and others of all that’s important, and yet, I still needed to be reminded, so I thought may be you did too. 🙂


Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

A Mini Vacation From Stress – Yoga on the Mat!

I first came into Yoga as a way to bring myself, a few moments of peace. Becoming centered, grounded, and present, focusing on my breath, focusing on my body. Then breathing some more, moving, linking my breath with movement, bringing my mind and body totally into the present. Then with the awareness of the moment I was in, and lack of the awareness of everything else,  I was able to bring myself to a place of stillness in my mind and body.  I was able to sit with peace, and then focus my thoughts on all that I had to be grateful for.  Mini Vacations is what it felt like. A retreat just for myself. Filling my day with positive thoughts all day long.  With yoga practice we find these moments.

Live with Peace.

Just a thought,

Love, Goldi