Walking Your Path

Walk your path, not somebody elses. Choose your path and don’t compare it to another persons. Don’t get caught up in what someone else is doing. Their’s a reason your headed in your direction. You may not understand why, but it will work out for your best interest, if you let it. Why worry, anyway, about what path someone else is on. If you were suppose to be on that path, you would be on it. Their is a reason that your on the path that your on, so forget what everyone else is doing, and focus on what your doing. Just because the sun is not shining now, doesn’t mean it won’t be later.

We want control and for people to believe, feel, and behave, exactly in a way that we want, an exactly how we want. And, in regards to ourselves, we want exactly the same really, for everything to happen when an how we want. When  deep down we know that the reality is that people are going to react, judge, and place us exactly where they want in their own lives, whether it’s what we feel is in their best interest or not.  We don’t understand, it doesn’t feel right, as to why they are making these decisions, when really, who are we to say.  Letting go with faith in a higher power, that if we continue on our journey that we might be placed in something far greater than expected.

We stepped into our paths, most likely, because we were being called to it in some way. So keep stepping in that direction, and don’t worry about the reactions and decisions of others. Keep walking, keep moving on your path. It doesn’t matter if your solo, following someone, or if someone is following you. If you feel right on this path – keep going. Focus only on you. Control your mind if you want to control something, by redirecting your thoughts to positive ones.

We are all different, embrace your uniqueness and live your own life, and let others live theirs.


Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Consequences-What move will you make next?

“Life is like a game of chess, in which there are an infinite number of complex moves possible. The choice is open, but the move contains within itself all future moves. One is free to choose, but what follows is the result of one’s choice. From the consequences of one’s action there is never any escape.” — S. Smith

We are responsible for our lives.  We get bogged down with the blame game. It’s our boss, lover, friend, mother, father, economy, false information, etc.  And, it may all be true, like in Chess there are many moves and decisions that can lead us where we want to go. The same moves however; can also lead us, no matter how hard we try, to the exact result that we don’t want, based solely on the move of someone else. When you factor in the moves of many, its clear that our paths may change frequently, and our main control is only – how we react. What move will we make next?
Great people rise up from conditions that luckily most of us will never see.   We may not be able to  change where we are in life overnight, but we can change direction now; we can keep adapting and redirecting ourselves towards the life that we want.   Our lives are our own.  Its what we choose, no excuses, good or bad. We are in charge of our life. No one else – we choose, or don’t choose, we guide ourselves or let others guide us. Choose to keep focusing on the life that you want.
If you or someone around you stumbles, choose to get up, regroup, adapt to the situation and try to do better. Forget about blame.  We are going to make mistakes.  People around us are going to make mistakes. That’s one of the consequences of living. All we can do is control ourselves, and keep trying to do better. Remind yourself of where you want to go, and of the life you want to live.  Keep redirecting, keep adapting, and keep moving in the direction that will take you there.
Just a thought…
Love, Goldi
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Why do we do what we do? What is our purpose?

Some things are in our control and others are not.  In our control are our thoughts; pursuits, desires, opinions, etc.  Which include deciding what our purpose is, and/or, what we want it to be.  Also, in our control, are our actions.  Do you flip flopping back and forth, second guessing yourselves, trying to make sure that you are making the right decision?  Or do you know what your purpose is and where you want to go?  Knowing makes the decision easier, by constantly reminding yourselves of the life that you want, then basing your actions from there.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


Having a perfect life in a perfect world…