Goldilocks Blog – Marvel At The Moment

Goldilocks Blog – Marvel At The Moment  

Every morning tired or not I wake up early to find a place of beauty, a place to sit in peace, meditating for whatever amount of time that I have, and relfecting on that moment with gratitude. When I’m at home I take myself to the beach and marvel at the beauty of nature as I watch the tide flow in and out, and the birds glide right on by. I see the sun rise always faster than what I imagine it should, and I gaze up into the sky and stare at the clouds moving overhead, noticing the many different images being formed. I deeply breathe in the salt air as if I’m savoring my favorite chocolate. I allow the sand to cling to my clothes and feet, which later become a gentle reminder of being fully present, as a few grains of sand always stay with me throughout the day. I allow the sight of the occasional ripple in the water to remind me of the unexpected moments that slightly alter the path, guiding me in the right direction. I sit in stillness with a knowing that nothing is really still.

When I travel, which I will be doing next week,  I marvel at life in a slightly different way.  When inside it’s easy to have a false sense of stillness within the unmoving walls of a room, and the heavy and solid pieces of furniture. I sometimes forget about how fast time is moving, which literally and unfortunately has often just past me by without any awareness. So the beauty that I look to see may be the varying degrees of a smile of one of my children, a beautiful and petite flower of a weed that moves slightly with the breeze, and then with the simple awareness of my own breath.  Here I feel like I’m still, but with a knowing that everything around me is moving.

Both ways are the same, but at first seem slightly different. The same is true in how we view many things. Another yogic lesson.

Marvel at the moment, whatever it looks like, and brings yourself into the present moment. Because it’s here and now where life is taking place.

Just a thought, With Love and gratitude,

Goldi – Mwah!

Meditation with Morty


Meditation at sunrise, on the beach, is how I’ve been starting my day for the last few months. I vary what beach I go to depending on what I have to do after, but there are about four spots that I continually go. And, as with any place that you frequent you begin to see some familiar faces. Morty is a man that I see every time that I go this one particular beach.  I’ve observed this older gentleman and notice as he sits there calmly smiling with the sand between his toes, that he’s looking around as if looking for friends, drawing them in – And, they come; people continually walk up to him saying Hi Morty – andthat’s how I know his name 😉  I’m sure he’s unaware of the effect that he has.  But this beach feels different than any other beach that I go to. Where all shores are tranquil, peaceful and serene at sunrise, this beach has a lightness, a friendliness, a sense of community that I know comes form Morty. He’s always there showing up.  I know, because I’ve been with him on rainy days when we were the only two people there. He stakes his claim into the sand and smiles, until the sun rises and sky clears, people join him or shake his hand and walk away, but his presence definitely matters.  At first, I hate to admit, I started to judge him as a lonely man wanting companionship, but theirs a big difference between judging and observing. In judging I’m created a false story that I really don’t know anything about -it’s weak and easy and most likely not true. In observing, I’m honoring the man I see -learning, and that’s very powerful. No attachment to the observation, just simply noticing.  Like becoming aware of the impact that one person can have on a location, by simply showing up and smiling.  

We all vibrate out an energy – good or bad – I know you’ve felt it from other people. Just think of the good we could all do if we took care of ourself like Morty does, smiling, honoring ourself so that our energy is raised, with the lingering effect brightening the path of others.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


Daydreaming – With eyes wide open #Sunrise #IntoTheBlue #IAmHere #Yoga #Meditation #Sunrise #IntoTheBlue #IAmHere #Yoga #Meditation

Oxford Dictionaries defines daydreaming as a series of pleasant thoughts that distract one’s attention from the present.  But here I was at the beach watching the sunrise, and yet I was having a hard time being present.  How many times do we do that, allow beautiful moments to pass by without experienceing the whole.  So today my morning meditation became to sit, feel, watch and observe.  As the sun was rising I noticed the ebb and flow of life, ever repeating, as the waves rhythmically came in and then went back out. I notice my breath doing the same… The sand felt cool beneath me, as I began to become warmed by the sun as it continued to rise. I made the connection to the opposites, aware of the waves coming in and out, aware of the rise and fall of the breath, and the hot and cool of the sand and sun. Reminded at the same time of part of Newtons laws of motion, for every action there is and equal and opposite reaction; and, that a body at rest will stay at rest, a body in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by a outside force.  We move through life mostly robotically, just moving through the motions that we’ve set in place. Even when our intention is good, like me going to the beach to meditate, becoming present to what is, allowing myself to just be. Being so caught up in the silent internal meditation that I felt that I needed to do, and then allowing myself just for the pure pleasure of it, to be present with all my senses to that which is truly beautiful, and not just by the visual sight of it. I felt happy and content, aware that I am living the life that I had always dreamed of.   I’m sure, it started as a daydream, and a knowing of the life that I always wanted to live. But just like Newtons law of motion suggest, I had to change to get my different results, not by a physical force, but by a mental shift.

I’ve been living in my home for about three months, before I had the epiphany to meditate at the beach instead of my home that is still in the process of being remodeled. Why it took me three months to realize this – I’m not sure, but it may have been because my home is where I have always meditated before. I now live about a mile away, close enough to walk. But thank goodness I had this sudden realization when I did and the months didn’t turn into years. It didn’t cost me anymore time or money, but just an awaking to the motions that I’ve set in place. 

So I ask you today, after you finished your daydreaming, to become so mindfully present to your actions that your going through right now, to the simple awareness – with eyes wide open – of what can you do differently right now by a simple shift, to make part of your dream a reality. 

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi