Illuminated Self

The mind does not shine by it’s own light it too is illuminated by the self. – 4.19 Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Our mind is separate from our self. The self, cannot be changed from thinking it so, even though it is the beginning. The self is illuminated by more of a knowing – like our intuition. So tapping in to our true selves is the key, to illuminating ourselves from within.  

Silence our minds, realize our true nature, surrender, and allow an easy way of being.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Counterpose For a Balanced Life

We bend so that we don’t break.  In yoga we do counterposes to balance out our bodies. If we twist to the right, we twist to the left. If we bend forward, we counter with bending backward.  Most of us live busy lifestyles, we give to our work, our bosses, employees, or customers. At home we give to our families, parents, children, spouses, siblings, and friends. Some of us also try to remain happy and positive, by exuding joyfulness to the strangers we meet along the way. We bend so far one way however, we sometimes forget our most important self.

So remember to do your counterposes, bend the other way by taking care of you! Give to yourself so that you can continue to give to others. Fill yourself up with joy, and gratitude for all that you have. Feed your mind by reading, seeing, and feeling happy thoughts; and in your body by exercising and eating right. Stay completely healthy for yourself first, and for those around you.  It’s the most unselfish thing you can do – taking care of you.

Just a thought,

Love, Goldi


Triggers to Self Reflection

Sunrise and the day begins. Marking another beautiful and glorious day to live.  The sunrise reminds us of new days and new beginnings, filled with acts of kindness, or service, or of duty.

How do you fill the day? Do you work on auto pilot and just go through the motions. Are you becoming something, or are you being that person. When the sunset makes another marks in your life, that letting you know that another day has past. Do you stop to think or give it any thought… Did I fully live my life today?

Let the sunrise and sunset be triggers in your life to pause in self refection, and may you always and forever, live every day of your life.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi – Twitter – Facebook