Love Your Life

During the holiday season you’re either very busy running around with extra parties to attend, presents to buy, and other various additional tasks; or you’re wishing you were socially busier. Holidays seem to amplify how we feel, and deal, with our daily life.  We tend to expect or desire certain outcomes, before we feel we can fully love our life. We forget to just love our life as it is. So, take a moment to Love Your Life, right now, just as it is. Close your eyes with your hands pressing, joining together at your heart center – Anjali mudra – Prayer position, and sit in stillness, for a moment of gratitude and reflection. Honoring yourself. Honoring others. Appreciating all that you have. Letting go of expectations, on any level, on any thing, and focusing your thoughts to that of just pure appreciation. 

Do this everyday, and trust me, your world will change.

Just a thought,

Love, Goldi

Tough Times – Let Light Enter

The wound is a place where light enters you – Rumi

In life, you never really understand something, until it happens to you. My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to the families, and children, affected by the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. And, even though I can’t really understand how they are coping or feeling. My hope is that they and anyone in life that’s having to handle a very difficult situation, to feel and connect, with the beat of their heart. To remember – you’re alive. Your alive for a reason. Be the change. Let the love and light enter, and fill you up. Let the love fill your heart. Please Keep Moving Forward, and, May Love Always Fill Your Heart.

Sending Love and Light Your Way,



Truth – With Love and Light

“A pure heart open to the light, will be filled with the very essence of Truth.” ~ Rumi

I had an awakening this week, after receiving the gift of a Thai Massage. I felt as if I could feel my prana, energy, vibrating and dancing about. I’ve been told that we’re not solid objects, and for the first time I felt that way. I’ve had massages before and have left feeling wonderful and relaxed, but this was different. The gift giver suggested after, that I go to the beach and sit with my feet in the sand, so I went. I never felt so connected and unconnected at the same time. Within myself I felt as if like i was the center of the universe. And, although there were lots of people around, when I listened for outside sounds, all I heard was the waves crashing in the sand. It was easy for me to keep going inward, and instinctively I new what I should do. When to move, eat, and head home. Honoring myself in the simplistic of terms. When I arrived home I was exhausted, even though it had only been a few hours and even though I had a good nights sleep. Not wanting to lose this feeling, a definite change in my whole being, I just lay still for a few hours.

A week later, I’ve allowed the beautiful essence of this gift to fade. Why is it that we sometimes allow ourselves to default to the place inside us, where we don’t want to be. Why is it so hard for us sometimes. Why do we allow stuff to affect us, when we know better,… habits, I realize, take time to change. So, recognizing the habits, honoring ourselves, and giving yourself the moment to make the shift, is sometimes, the best we can do until the new habit takes form.

Be easy on yourself, but see your truth, see your drama. Let it go, an start shifting your thoughts, and life, to where you really want it to be. Do you really want to live in the drama – step back, step away, turn.  Start focusing on what you want, and how you feel strength, in your peace.

Speaking my truth, with love, and light,
