Love Your Life

During the holiday season you’re either very busy running around with extra parties to attend, presents to buy, and other various additional tasks; or you’re wishing you were socially busier. Holidays seem to amplify how we feel, and deal, with our daily life.  We tend to expect or desire certain outcomes, before we feel we can fully love our life. We forget to just love our life as it is. So, take a moment to Love Your Life, right now, just as it is. Close your eyes with your hands pressing, joining together at your heart center – Anjali mudra – Prayer position, and sit in stillness, for a moment of gratitude and reflection. Honoring yourself. Honoring others. Appreciating all that you have. Letting go of expectations, on any level, on any thing, and focusing your thoughts to that of just pure appreciation. 

Do this everyday, and trust me, your world will change.

Just a thought,

Love, Goldi


If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “Thank You”, that would suffice. – Meister Eckhart

With Love, Gratitude, and Appreciation – Everyday make a mental list of everything you have to be grateful for. It will remind you of whats important. Like being grateful for your breath, and the fact that your alive. Give Thanks for everything that happens to you,  and find the good in it all. Develop this attitude of gratitude for all things, and the result for this work will be to find pure joy. Because a grateful person is always a happy person, and being happy is the life that we all seek.

Just a thought… And, thank you for reading my blog 🙂

With Gratitude and Love, Goldi


On the River
On the River
Mother and Daughter on the River in the Beautiful Mountains of Asheville NC.  Taking time out to enjoy life, in the natural beauty given to us, with family! 
Sent by my number one reader;)
With Love, Inspiration, An Appreciation of what is really important in life,
Goldilocks Blog
Searching for the perfect life in a perfect world…