Strength in Change

When major changes in your life happens, even when the change is to improve your life, it can make you feel unsettled and distressed. So when life forces you to change and you think the change is catastrophic, it can seem debilitating, but it’s really what makes us stronger.

”If an egg is broken from an outside force – life ends. If broken from the inside force – life begins. Great things always begin from the inside.” (unknown)

Remember our strength comes from the inside. We are defeated or winners before we begin. It’s what we believe, and what we think that makes it so. Pay attention to what you say/think to yourself, and out loud. If you think you’re defeated, then you will never take steps to succeed. Focus only on the remarkable outcomes that can occur. This is your inside work. This is your focus – the knowing that all things are somehow working in your favor – grow stronger.

Just a thought…

 Love, Goldi

Illuminated Self

The mind does not shine by it’s own light it too is illuminated by the self. – 4.19 Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Our mind is separate from our self. The self, cannot be changed from thinking it so, even though it is the beginning. The self is illuminated by more of a knowing – like our intuition. So tapping in to our true selves is the key, to illuminating ourselves from within.  

Silence our minds, realize our true nature, surrender, and allow an easy way of being.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

The Effortless Being of Self

Know yourself, not just for information, but for transformation.

What do you want? What DO YOU want? What does your heart call you to do?  What is your intuition telling you?

Go beyond the – I want to be happy. Or that you are happy, sad, a mother, a father, a runner, a yoga instructor. Go beyond the labeling, it limits you.  Who are you, at your core? Let go of what you think. Let go of all the labels. Find a way to silence the mind. When the mind is silent you will realize your true nature.

When you realize your true nature, you will realize an effortless way of being .

Just a thought…
