The Effortless Being of Self

Know yourself, not just for information, but for transformation.

What do you want? What DO YOU want? What does your heart call you to do?  What is your intuition telling you?

Go beyond the – I want to be happy. Or that you are happy, sad, a mother, a father, a runner, a yoga instructor. Go beyond the labeling, it limits you.  Who are you, at your core? Let go of what you think. Let go of all the labels. Find a way to silence the mind. When the mind is silent you will realize your true nature.

When you realize your true nature, you will realize an effortless way of being .

Just a thought…


End of the World Transformation

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. Richard Bach

Our duty, as men and women, is to proceed as if limits to our ability do not exist. We are collaborators in creation. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

What are we, after all, but individuals continually adapting transforming and growing with new interest, marriages, jobs lost or begun.  As a society however, it seems to many as if we have reached an end of the world as we know it type scenario. All but forgetting that we have the ability to create, and redesign our lives, as we see fit. The change we wish to see in the world, must start with ourselves. We are the collaborators. 

Be mindful of your actions, while having faith that we’re on the path of the butterfly, and that our transformation will be just as beautiful.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi