Living From the Heart

Remember the emphasis on the heart. The mind lives in doubt and the heart lives in trust. When you trust, suddenly you become centered. – Osho

Love is how it feels to recognize our essential unity. Awakening to oneness is the experience of Big Love. Knowing you are one with all, you find yourself in love with all. – Timothy Freke

The sun shines down, and its image reflects in a thousand different pots filled with water. The reflections are many, but they are each reflecting the same sun. Similarly, when we come to know who we truly are, we will see ourselves in all people. – Ammachi

Wisdom is knowing we are all One. Love is what it feels like and Compassion is what it acts like. – Ethan Walker III

Live centered, Live from the heart – Love

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

HAPPINESS = Inner Peace

Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams. Fortune cookie

I feel so great that my heart feels huge!  Sometimes during times of trouble, we don’t know how, we just need to know that we’re doing remarkably well. I told myself this, long before it was outwardly evident, that I will always be happy and at peace.  I think that is what happiness is …peace!  In whatever way peace means for us.  That peaceful feeling that we feel within – is happiness… we don’t need to search for it, we just need to be it – be happy!

Relax, trust the process… have inner peace.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Trust your instincts – Live Your Life

Be easy on yourself. In fact – Be yourself, and let others Be themselves. If you want to change anything – change you. Live with your strengths and encourage others to do the same.   We’re all given unique and special gifts of talents an abilities, and we need to use them. Focus on what your good at and nurture that. And, If you have a desire to learn something new, the desire alone is reason enough to begin.  Trust your instincts – Live Your Life.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi