Relax and Enjoy!

The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it. – Sydney Harris

Todays the last day of break for the children before heading back to school here in sunny South Florida.  We’re trying not to scramble about, thinking of all the things that we had wanted to do. Setting priorities of whats most important, and then, remembering to just relax and enjoy the time we have together. So instead of the many chores and errands that we have before us, we’re setting them aside for the day, and heading to the beach. Enjoying this moment, and all that’s before us.

Have a great day!

Love, Goldi

Here to Love – Here to Live

I believe that we are here to love ourselves and others, and, to reach our full potential. Life is working for us. Sometimes people will be riding next to us for a while. Sometimes they just cross our path for a moment, and sometimes they are with us for a time. No judgements, at any level, should be made, as to why, or who, or what is happening. It doesn’t matter what anyone else has or what anyone else is doing. Our focus is on our self, our life. Being the very best that we can be, at any moment.  We should look at the problems, as not problems or tests, but as life guiding us to where we need to be, with excitement of whats to come next. Natures way of clearing out all that doesn’t serve us. Focusing instead to the millions of things that we have to be grateful for right now in this moment… I have breath, I have life, I’m sitting on a soft chair, I just ate a warm breakfast, etc, etc,… in this moment, most of us are more than fine. Focus on what you have, what your grateful for, focus on loving yourself, being kind to yourself, and being kind and loving others. No judgements – Be yourself, happily follow your path, see what comes your way. Have the belief that it’s all in your best interest. Relax and go with the flow.


Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

I’m off to YOGA – yay!


HAPPINESS = Inner Peace

Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams. Fortune cookie

I feel so great that my heart feels huge!  Sometimes during times of trouble, we don’t know how, we just need to know that we’re doing remarkably well. I told myself this, long before it was outwardly evident, that I will always be happy and at peace.  I think that is what happiness is …peace!  In whatever way peace means for us.  That peaceful feeling that we feel within – is happiness… we don’t need to search for it, we just need to be it – be happy!

Relax, trust the process… have inner peace.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi