Here to Love – Here to Live

I believe that we are here to love ourselves and others, and, to reach our full potential. Life is working for us. Sometimes people will be riding next to us for a while. Sometimes they just cross our path for a moment, and sometimes they are with us for a time. No judgements, at any level, should be made, as to why, or who, or what is happening. It doesn’t matter what anyone else has or what anyone else is doing. Our focus is on our self, our life. Being the very best that we can be, at any moment.  We should look at the problems, as not problems or tests, but as life guiding us to where we need to be, with excitement of whats to come next. Natures way of clearing out all that doesn’t serve us. Focusing instead to the millions of things that we have to be grateful for right now in this moment… I have breath, I have life, I’m sitting on a soft chair, I just ate a warm breakfast, etc, etc,… in this moment, most of us are more than fine. Focus on what you have, what your grateful for, focus on loving yourself, being kind to yourself, and being kind and loving others. No judgements – Be yourself, happily follow your path, see what comes your way. Have the belief that it’s all in your best interest. Relax and go with the flow.


Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

I’m off to YOGA – yay!


Make Love, Where There is None

To make love… where there was none…  ♥ Alchemy (Lyric) – Above and Beyond
To bring about change for love, growth, health, self improvement or whatever…we all want a little bit of magic or that special chemical reaction that instantly gives us what we want. Believing that you can have it is the magic, but you have to take action.  Belief without action is really just wishful thinking.
You see people that have what you want, but before they had it – they didn’t.
If you want more Love in your life, then love another, and love all people.  If you want health and fitness, then start eating whole grains, vegetable, and start exercising.  It’s not really rocket science, we all start out beginners, so just start!  Start whatever it is that you want to change.  Just make the first move – take that first step towards whatever direction that you want. Your belief will enable you to keep taking those steps. So, no matter how small it is, just take it, then take another and another.  Eventually you’ll get the change you want.
Just a thought…
Love, Goldi

If You Could See What I See

I see so many beautiful people with so much potential; if only they believed.  I talk to these amazing people, which is pretty much everyone I meet.  They have dreams and passions, that go unfilled.  I can see how much talent and passion they have when they talk about the subject, but then also see that they don’t see the possibility.  They don’t believe that they can make it happen.  I see their greatness.  I see that they can have it all, but not with that attitude; not with the disbelief.

I can do everything through him that gives me strength.  Philippians 4:13


Just a thought,

Love, Goldi – Twitter – Facebook