Succeed Mindfully

Shadow in the sand

Whether you define success as money, health, relationships and/or just plain happiness, it all begins with being mindful and truly living in the present. When we rush through life, it’s not only your shadow among the shells and sand that you miss, but, you also miss out on the awareness of purpose, and of why your traveling on this path.  Start with where you are.  Learn to be present, meditate, see your truth. Live in this truth of who your are, and begin living mindfully in this moment. Being present is the most important part of living a balanced life, a habit that continues to reward us throughout our life. When we’re present in our jobs, relationships, or in any action, we consiously choose to do better, and we are better, and it’s because of the conscious mindfullness that we begin to have a greater success in our job, in our relationships, and with our health.

Succeed Mindfully – slow down, learn to see, live with awareness, notice, and gratefully experience life right now, right where you are, and then, you will truly know.

Love, Goldi

Mindfully Living In The Present

Living Mindfully –

Mindfulness helps you go home to the present. And every time you go there and recognize a condition of happiness that you have, happiness comes. – Thich Nhat Hanh 

When you mindfully move through out your day, you live with awareness. Aware of how you move and breathe. Aware, as if it’s your first day on earth. Become in awe of how it feels to walk, to wash your hands, to smile, to laugh. Amazed at the brilliant blue sky, the flowering weed, the trees, the cars, the sounds. Everything is brilliant! And every time you can bring yourself to this place of awareness. You realize how easy it is to recognize happiness in what you use to believe to be the ordinary.  There is no drama playing in your head, because your busy looking at the present, consistently, with new awareness.

Living in the past or present robs us of our time. We should bless the past with faith that the past is success, somehow working for our favor, with lessons and growth.

Then forget about it – It can not be changed.

Bless the future with a knowing that the world is somehow conspiring for your benefit – Believe.

Then forget about it.

Let it all go! Live in the flow and fully in the now, and get ready – expect to receive. Now is the accepted time, Now is the time to act in the present. Here is where you find happiness. Here is where you find peace.

So,…just a thought… maybe every time you wash your hands, let it be a reminder to come into the present. Notice the action of turning the water on and putting soap into your hand. Feel the water whether it’s warm or cold. Feel your hands rubbing together as the soap bubbles become larger and larger, allowing the velvety softness to caresses your hands. Feel it, and embrace it, from every perspective.  Allow yourself to mindfully begin living in the present.

Love, Goldi


Life’s Purpose

I always believed that I was destined for some kind of greatness, but I think I use to think of it as some sort of notoriety, or fame. As I’ve aged I’ve come to realize that the greatness isn’t about celebrity, notoriety, or attaining great wealth but it’s about living your life greatly everyday, in every action. And, it’s not because I haven’t achieved the celebrity level of Oprah ;), but because we all have our own life’s purpose, and in someones life we will make a difference – we matter, everyday. Make the difference a positive one.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi