Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos

Peace of mind is not a goal I need to achieve.  It’s a place inside I never want to leave.  Close my eyes, I still my thoughts and then I say I will choose to live in peace today. – Robert Alan

It’s a choice to disengage from the energy of those around you, when the energy is not so positive.You can’t change the other person, you’ve got to change yourself. Either distance yourself from the situation or person, if harmful, or work on whatever it is that’s making you react within yourself.  Still your thoughts, quiet your mind, let it be easy. In the long run, happiness, love, peace, never last from outside sources, but always comes from within. You have to be the one that makes you happy, you have to be the one that gives you peace.

Love yourself – Just a thought…

Love, Goldi




If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “Thank You”, that would suffice. – Meister Eckhart

With Love, Gratitude, and Appreciation – Everyday make a mental list of everything you have to be grateful for. It will remind you of whats important. Like being grateful for your breath, and the fact that your alive. Give Thanks for everything that happens to you,  and find the good in it all. Develop this attitude of gratitude for all things, and the result for this work will be to find pure joy. Because a grateful person is always a happy person, and being happy is the life that we all seek.

Just a thought… And, thank you for reading my blog 🙂

With Gratitude and Love, Goldi

Mood – Very Good

The thing with pretending your in a good mood is that sometimes you can. – Charles de Lint

Generally these days, I’m in a very good mood. Life has been very kind to me of late, but years ago it started with me pretending to be in a good mood first.

On a daily basis we all have the opportunity to choose how we react. With our words an actions, we can escalate or de-escalate problems, make someone feel joy or sorrow, or  we can inspire versus humiliate. We actually do choose.

Our choice to feel happy, and act with our good mood, is love. And, by allowing your good mood to be so, it begins to change form. We begin to change, and we begin to feel better, and the love we share – comes back to us.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi