From Me to You – Thank You!

Looking around, I can see I have so much to be thankful for, I can see everything that is right in my life. And, from time to time, I also notice what doesn’t work. As soon as I realize what I’m doing, I refocus, and begin again to appreciate all that’s working in my life.  That list is always longer when I break it down. Learn to nurture and appreciate all the good things in your life, and thats what you’ll get more of. Focus on gratitude, and the rest will work it’s self out.

Think about it this way…Once, you gave someone a gift of time, or money, or objects. You gave it freely, but the receiver never thanked you, never appreciated your efforts. You might of even given to this receiver more than once, but eventually you got it. They were never going to thank you, and the urge to give to them stopped too.

The same is true for you…if you want to receive all the good that is to come your way, you need to appreciate every little thing that has come your way. It makes people feel good to give, appreciate it, because we know it feels good to receive. Feel good all the time – give when you can, and appreciate all that you have.

Make everyday a day of Thanksgiving…

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

-Thank you for reading. Thank you for sharing. Thank you, for being you 🙂


Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love. -Rumi

There is an energy, a life force that is uniquely in you. You’re a masterpiece, and since their is only one of you, you need to make sure to use the gifts that are yours. Often it’s a leap of faith that only seems right in your gut, but realize your true nature, and go with the flow of life. 

And then the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. -Anais Nin

Let yourself radiate joy and peace, by being who you really are. Be true to yourself, love yourself, and learn, and do, what interests you. Move towards your interest and allow all that is good to come your way.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Each morning when you wake up, and every night when you go to bed, thank yourself, for being you!

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “Thank You”, that would suffice. – Meister Eckhart

With Love, Gratitude, and Appreciation – Everyday make a mental list of everything you have to be grateful for. It will remind you of whats important. Like being grateful for your breath, and the fact that your alive. Give Thanks for everything that happens to you,  and find the good in it all. Develop this attitude of gratitude for all things, and the result for this work will be to find pure joy. Because a grateful person is always a happy person, and being happy is the life that we all seek.

Just a thought… And, thank you for reading my blog 🙂

With Gratitude and Love, Goldi