
If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “Thank You”, that would suffice. – Meister Eckhart

With Love, Gratitude, and Appreciation – Everyday make a mental list of everything you have to be grateful for. It will remind you of whats important. Like being grateful for your breath, and the fact that your alive. Give Thanks for everything that happens to you,  and find the good in it all. Develop this attitude of gratitude for all things, and the result for this work will be to find pure joy. Because a grateful person is always a happy person, and being happy is the life that we all seek.

Just a thought… And, thank you for reading my blog 🙂

With Gratitude and Love, Goldi

Gratitude – Thank You!

This Blog is inspired by Gary V who posted a video blog about the importance of larger companies saying “thank you” to it’s consumers. And, it hit me that I recently celebrated my first anniversary of blogging, and I forgot to say – thank you!  I feel grateful with every post that I write that I have the opportunity to do so, and I feel grateful with every new reader that I receive, but apparently after looking back – I have forgotten to voice it.  How often do we assume that people know how grateful we are?

So – thank you for reading! Thank you for following!  Thank you for sharing with your friends!  It is all Greatly Appreciated!

May be we all could share a little more love and gratitude!

Just a thought…

With Love and Thanks, Goldi

Having the perfect life in a perfect world…