Take Rest

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and I told her how for the last two years,  I’ve kind of sequestered myself, voiding relationships and friends, until I could discover who I was without outside influences.  She laughed and said, “You know thats what they do with people when they’re committed. They put them in a place where they can be by themselves for a few weeks. They are not allowed to see any family or friends, not knowing where the problem is coming from.”  I laughed to myself thinking that I was relating to someone that was committed, and having felt a little insane in the last few months, was not all that comforting of a thought.

My feeling of insanity however is only coming because I’m doing things differently, that I have done before.  I am in fact, insanely happy, so at the moment, I don’t care.  My life has been spent doing all the things  “I should do” vs doing the things I wanted to do.  I still have obligations so I’m still not doing everything that I want to do, but I think that’s  a good thing.  As in all things no extreme is good; a totally hedonistic life vs one of servitude, “Goldilocks way” will prevail.  I’m not taking the safest way, but  I’m taking the path that brings me joy.  I’m writing, blogging, and taking care of myself with more rest and relaxation, exercise, healthy food choices, and choosing the friends I want to spend time with.  Friends and family who inspire.  I have no real income, and thats the scary part, and why I feel a little insane.  I’ve been an entrepreneur for the last fifteen years so I’m familiar with taking risk, but in the risk I took before, I saw a definite way to earn money.  In fact, that is why I chose to pursue those ventures; I was miserable, and I felt that life needed to go.

Life truly is too short to spend being miserable.  So I’m smiling, I’m breathing, and I’m going more slowly, all the while realizing how much time I’ve wasted and not wasting another minute.  I remind myself of a quote:

“Take rest, a field that is rested gives a bountiful crop.” Ovid

I’m giving myself time to do what I need to do for me, and I just know, the bountiful crop will come.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


Creating a perfect life in a perfect world…

Fairy tales – Real or Rumor?

“‘Know thy self’ may not be the best; A pinch of self-delusion it turns out is an important ingredient in the happiness recipe.” – Eric Weiner  quote via twitter@bmccall17

Once upon a time a friend of mine posted on her facebook page, “Fairy tales don’t exist…reality does…”  Which of course prompted me (Goldilocks) to post; “I believe”.  And yes, I have wondered if I’ve become a little delusional… I did do some deep soul searching, and I have been looking for, finding, and then spewing positive “self help” information and ideas, all of which has made me happier, and I hope, has helped you too!  However, I think the key ingredient for me, was to put myself in a reality that was different from the one that I was living… so call me delusional in my fairy tale world, I don’t care, because – it works – I’m happy.

Wishing that you create your own happy fairy tale reality, where nothing is too good to come true.

Just a thought…

With love for you and your dreams,


Creating my perfect life in a perfect world…

It’s not about you, It’s about me – Self Love

I think we spend too much time thinking about what another person is thinking – what’s their motive, where are they going, how do I fit in? Unfortunately I found most people either to be very self absorbed, where everything is about them, and they take, take, take; or they are givers who are self sacrificing and never thinking of themselves.

Deep in thought and introspection, I realized why this is… I’m a giver, and I’ve given with my whole heart and soul, which I always thought was a good thing.  I prided myself on my generosity and patted myself on the back because of it. Feeling good and super human, I gave, gave, gave, until I had nothing left to give.  My epiphany was, as a selfless giver, who else was I going to find and attract… a taker needs a giver – a giver needs a taker.

As Goldilocks wandering out in the woods, searching to find her “just right” place, home, food, chair, bed, life, etc. I realized that it’s not about them, it’s about me.  Why didn’t I love myself enough to think about what is best for me? What was it that I wanted?  It didn’t matter what they were thinking or what their motives were, I couldn’t control them, I only could control me.

As I started taking care of myself, I became happy again, and started attracting great people. People who are both givers and takers, as in most things, what is usually best or “just right”, is somewhere in the middle.

It’s good to give, but it’s also good to receive – not taking or giving, too much or too little.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


Creating my “just right” life…