Goldilocks Blog – Marvel At The Moment

Goldilocks Blog – Marvel At The Moment  

Every morning tired or not I wake up early to find a place of beauty, a place to sit in peace, meditating for whatever amount of time that I have, and relfecting on that moment with gratitude. When I’m at home I take myself to the beach and marvel at the beauty of nature as I watch the tide flow in and out, and the birds glide right on by. I see the sun rise always faster than what I imagine it should, and I gaze up into the sky and stare at the clouds moving overhead, noticing the many different images being formed. I deeply breathe in the salt air as if I’m savoring my favorite chocolate. I allow the sand to cling to my clothes and feet, which later become a gentle reminder of being fully present, as a few grains of sand always stay with me throughout the day. I allow the sight of the occasional ripple in the water to remind me of the unexpected moments that slightly alter the path, guiding me in the right direction. I sit in stillness with a knowing that nothing is really still.

When I travel, which I will be doing next week,  I marvel at life in a slightly different way.  When inside it’s easy to have a false sense of stillness within the unmoving walls of a room, and the heavy and solid pieces of furniture. I sometimes forget about how fast time is moving, which literally and unfortunately has often just past me by without any awareness. So the beauty that I look to see may be the varying degrees of a smile of one of my children, a beautiful and petite flower of a weed that moves slightly with the breeze, and then with the simple awareness of my own breath.  Here I feel like I’m still, but with a knowing that everything around me is moving.

Both ways are the same, but at first seem slightly different. The same is true in how we view many things. Another yogic lesson.

Marvel at the moment, whatever it looks like, and brings yourself into the present moment. Because it’s here and now where life is taking place.

Just a thought, With Love and gratitude,

Goldi – Mwah!

Goldilocks Blog – The Divine Quest

  Goldilocks Blog – The divine quest between not too much and not too little, and how to live our lives “just right”

Recently I was asked the question about my blogging and yoga teacher status –What are you doing and why are you doing it? What makes you different? What do you stand for?  Which in turn left me blank for more than a few moments.  I know I started writing the blog because I wanted to inspire myself and others to live their “just right” lives. Then I became a yoga teacher, and in the process I became aware of a deeper understanding of what that all means to live our lives “just right”.  I know as a yoga teacher I teach because I want to help people live in an effortless state of being, and not in necessarily achieving a perfect handstand; but I’m not sure my writing or teaching really reflects the message of living our lives, just right in an effortless state of being. In other words, helping everyone find that peace within. So it’s with this new clarity that my blog and teaching will now be focused. Merging together to deliver the message that has become so clear to me. But how exactly I’m going to do that – I’m still not sure…

I do know however, with every fiber in my being, how simple it is to live this life happy, and with ease and grace. It’s so easy and yet our minds complicate it with thoughts. When I teach my yoga, I give tools that can help with this – mindfulness, focused concentration, postures to help strengthen our bodies and mind, breath work to calm us down and clear out some of the mental chatter. I also know through the repetition of the practice and coming back time and time again to the mat, we continually learn and adapt. But I still hear some of the students talk, they’re still are not getting it. Some just come to gain strength, to stretch, or maybe just to say that they practiced yoga.  I know we all have to start somewhere, and I know it can take years for some, and I guess I need to admit that it did take me many many years. But is it possible to communicate all that I now know in an easier and more effective manner.

To live a happy and fulfilled life we must have health, and the clarity and freedom to live pursuing our self expression that is unique to us. What is it that we like to do? And are we doing it.

Our “just right” Goldilocks life comes from this place within – inner peace with who we are and what we have now.  Not in getting to an exotic location, or having the perfect spouse, the perfect house, car, or even job. Of course that would be wonderful, to have it all, in that way too. But you could be at the most beautiful location in the world, have a great spouse, house, car and money and really it’s possible to still not be happy. 

So the real work, the work that needs to come first is living within our Goldilocks being, the person that is happy within ourself now, where we are now, and with who we’ve become now in this present moment. Really owning it! 

It’s challenging when we live constantly reminding ourselves with what has happened to us in the past that made us who we are, but do we ever truly look and embrace the being that we’ve become and who it is that we’re becoming, without thinking about the past. Everyone has a story, a past that has made us cry and has brought us joy. We should embrace the person that we’ve become though all of it, and stand tall in the now.  

So for now, let’s take a moment to get to know ourselves a little better.  Maybe welcoming ourselves as if we would somebody that we would really like to get to know. Then accepting ourselves with compassion, again as if we really, really wanted to be close to this person. Then taking a moment to breathe love in, and breathe love out, with this person, and allowing this love to permeate every cell in our being, and then accepting ourself just as we are, and just for the pure pleasure of it.

Just a thought, and always with love,




Yoga – #IntoTheBlue #IAmHere #AzulYoga



Yoga – #Intotheblue #Iamhere #AzulYoga

Six years ago this month, I started writing Goldilocks Blog. I wrote simply because of an urge to write, to be heard, and to positively affect the world; with thoughts, words, photos, and quotes. My feeling was that wether I would reach one person or billions of people, it didn’t matter. I just felt that I had to write, that I had to put more goodness out into the world. Now, along with writing the blog, I’ve been teaching yoga for a few years now, and I’ve finally decided to create a website for it. Since it’s also a positive and uplifting site, I’ve decided to link the two sites together.  On Azul Yoga you will daily see the sunrise coming up over the Atlantic Ocean along the shore of Boca Raton Florida. It’s here where I spend my morning in meditation, then share a photo of the moment – sunrise, for hopefully many to enjoy.

On Azul Yoga I use the hashtag’s #IntoTheBlue and #IAmHere. “Into the blue” I use not only because the name I use for my yoga is Azul, and not because I’m looking at a beautiful blue ocean every morning, but because we’re all  under the blue sky, and I feel a connection to that. A unity and reminder that we’re all in it together. In yoga we’re reminded that we are one, that we are all connected. So I look and feel my connection as I begin breathing in. Feeling my connection to the universe, feeling my connection to the whole – I am – into the blue 🙂  

I use the hashtag #IAmHere not for the obvious reason that I’m at the beach in Boca Raton, Florida at sunrise, but because I want to claim that I’m present in this moment. I’m grounded and aware of what’s going on around me. And, that I feel and believe that I’m part of the universe and part of the whole – I AM HERE!

So that’s what I’m doing now 😉 And, you may continue to see the blog’s appearance continue to change for the next few weeks, while in my goldilocks fashion I, and by “I” I mean my beautiful step daughter who is helping me tweak the site, feel it’s “just right”.  Please enjoy the sunrises every morning on , and, I hope you claim the hastag’s #Intotheblue and #Iamhere as well.

Just a thought… with much love,
