Fairy tales – Real or Rumor?

“‘Know thy self’ may not be the best; A pinch of self-delusion it turns out is an important ingredient in the happiness recipe.” – Eric Weiner  quote via twitter@bmccall17

Once upon a time a friend of mine posted on her facebook page, “Fairy tales don’t exist…reality does…”  Which of course prompted me (Goldilocks) to post; “I believe”.  And yes, I have wondered if I’ve become a little delusional… I did do some deep soul searching, and I have been looking for, finding, and then spewing positive “self help” information and ideas, all of which has made me happier, and I hope, has helped you too!  However, I think the key ingredient for me, was to put myself in a reality that was different from the one that I was living… so call me delusional in my fairy tale world, I don’t care, because – it works – I’m happy.

Wishing that you create your own happy fairy tale reality, where nothing is too good to come true.

Just a thought…

With love for you and your dreams,


Creating my perfect life in a perfect world…