YOGA – Rebuilding From The Inside Out

To seek greatness outside yourself is turn your back on the treasure within.~ Alan Cohen

You are the great treasure! You’re amazing!. You’re not like everybody else. You’re special, just as you are, so listen within. Listen to your own inner guidance, and be guided from within. Tap into the source, and the potential of all of the unique gifts that have been given to you. Start looking inside, notice your own breath, and how your body moves. Find and pay attention to the fluidity in yourself. Aware of you personally, on and off the yoga mat.

Where you are in this moment. Look around and notice without judgement the different objects and shapes, the colors, the people, the sounds, the smells, and then start to bring your attention inward. Noticing how you feel. The weight of your body on whatever your sitting on, the natural rhythm of your breath. Then close your eyes and take a moment to take a few deep breaths, noticing if your breath slows down, once your breath has returned back to it’s natural rhythm  Feel yourself calm and at peace. Sit for a moment just being you. Happy and at peace of being you, and only you. Being content to be just as you are.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


Into Your Soul

 …for it is in thy power whenever thou shalt choose to retire into thyself. For nowhere either with more quiet or more freedom from trouble does a man retire than into his own soul.   – Marcus Aurelius
Your soul gives you unconditional love, and all the support that you can ever imagine.  Your soul can bring you the greatest peace.  It’s always with you, and it will never leave you.  It connects you to your spirituality.  It’s the light, the spark of the divine, that lives within.
You have the power, tune into the divinity of your soul, and listen for clear understanding, … for the peace, quiet, and freedom that you seek.
Just a thought…
Love, Goldi

Change and The Perfect You

Several years ago I traveled to Turkey. There I met a young self described “travel agent”. One day she told me a story her mother use to tell her, she said; The book is closed, why do you want to reopen it. You know how it’s going to end. Leave it closed! Which is true, why reopen a story in your head that will leave you feeling blue. You know how the story is going to end. Leave the book closed, and move on with your life. Keep being the best you can be on this day. Make the best decision with the information that you have now, and move on. Don’t look back, don’t second guess – It’s not going to change the outcome.

We have to remember to be our best today, and adapt as we go along; as we gather new information, gain new skills, meet new people, and experience new events. The perfect you is being who you now, starting right where you are in this moment – because change is always here.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi