Goldilocks Blog – Marvel At The Moment

Goldilocks Blog – Marvel At The Moment  

Every morning tired or not I wake up early to find a place of beauty, a place to sit in peace, meditating for whatever amount of time that I have, and relfecting on that moment with gratitude. When I’m at home I take myself to the beach and marvel at the beauty of nature as I watch the tide flow in and out, and the birds glide right on by. I see the sun rise always faster than what I imagine it should, and I gaze up into the sky and stare at the clouds moving overhead, noticing the many different images being formed. I deeply breathe in the salt air as if I’m savoring my favorite chocolate. I allow the sand to cling to my clothes and feet, which later become a gentle reminder of being fully present, as a few grains of sand always stay with me throughout the day. I allow the sight of the occasional ripple in the water to remind me of the unexpected moments that slightly alter the path, guiding me in the right direction. I sit in stillness with a knowing that nothing is really still.

When I travel, which I will be doing next week,  I marvel at life in a slightly different way.  When inside it’s easy to have a false sense of stillness within the unmoving walls of a room, and the heavy and solid pieces of furniture. I sometimes forget about how fast time is moving, which literally and unfortunately has often just past me by without any awareness. So the beauty that I look to see may be the varying degrees of a smile of one of my children, a beautiful and petite flower of a weed that moves slightly with the breeze, and then with the simple awareness of my own breath.  Here I feel like I’m still, but with a knowing that everything around me is moving.

Both ways are the same, but at first seem slightly different. The same is true in how we view many things. Another yogic lesson.

Marvel at the moment, whatever it looks like, and brings yourself into the present moment. Because it’s here and now where life is taking place.

Just a thought, With Love and gratitude,

Goldi – Mwah!


Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. Lao Tzu

A flower will bloom, although we may not see it happening.  Nature has been urging me to do the same, so I’ve been listening,… sitting back for just a moment, to let my life, love, YOGA, and writing unfold.

Feeling the calling once again – I’ll be back soon!

Wishing you all – love, light, strength, joy and peace!

Love,  Goldi

Path of Least Resistance

He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.  Marcus Aurelius

Nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished. Lao Tzu

Nature always will choose the path of least resistance or effort. In yoga we learn to not muscle tuniversehrough a pose with force, we relax and surrender into the pose finding our energetic strength and softening around it. In life, we sometimes fight what comes easiest with the thought that if it comes easy, it’s not worthy, or not the best choice. That whatever has come your way, doesn’t look exactly the way you wanted it to, so you let it pass by.

Take three long deep breaths here…relax and surrender to the flow of the universe. Allow the universe to work for you. Accept people, and circumstances that come your way.  Let the universe work in your favor. Move towards what you want, but notice the opportunities that come.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi