“If we had all the answers, then we wouldn’t need to write our own story.” Mike

Life brings changes… some good, some bad, some totally unexpected.  A year ago my plans of what my life would be like right now, are so much different than the reality of what is.  Many of us are going through major transitions right now; children starting school, children going off to college, becoming an empty nester, divorce, marriage, job loss, foreclosures, bankruptcy, etc.  Some of us may be going through two or three of these. Some of the changes are good and are a necessary progression in life, and even those transitions can feel challenging at times. The trick as “my man” Mike reminds me, is that we have to continue to write our own story.  To face the challenges, and to create our own positive spin.  Every dark cloud, every obstacle, every transition, can be turned into something better than you could ever of imagined.  As the challenges and transitions have come, so does the good.  Focus on what opportunities you now have during this an every transition that comes your way. Remember to keep adapting, rewriting your story as you go,  keeping the focus on your “just right” life, the life that is perfect for you.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


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Organic Soul

I’m not sure if my fears faced me or if I faced my fears… In my youth I merrily skipped around, unaware of anything that wasn’t beautiful. I felt secure in my home with my parents, and I lived in this fairy tale world in my mind – life was good. As I became older fears were dispensed to me.  “Prepare for the future.” “Beware” of so many things.  I became cautious, defensive; looking for the negative, so I could protect myself.

In reality, I created all that I feared.  My reasoning mind had told me I was doing all the “right” things, and now I realize that what I had thought of as my delusional youthful spirt, was the way I should have been living.  With joy in my heart, the fearlessness to do anything; and that I was protected in a way, that what wasn’t best for me, wouldn’t work out.

I wish I would have woke up to these facts so much sooner. My life would have flowed so much easier. I wouldn’t reason why this or that didn’t happen, or why this person or that person didn’t love me.  I wouldn’t of taken it personally. I would have faith that something better was in store for me. I guess I shouldn’t use the word “better”, because the people and opportunities that passed- were good, but they were not what was “just right” for me.

My organic soul is now living more simply, healthily, and close to natures flow.  Meaning that I still have goals, and wants, and desires…, and I’m taking steps and making effort to get to where I want, but if the door doesn’t open when I knock, I have faith that if I keep on knocking that the door that does open, will be what’s “just right” for me, or at least, lead me in the direction of where I need to go.

Remember to listen to your gut, follow your intuition, and stay organic and true to you!

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


http://twitter.com/GoldilocksBlog – Twitter

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PS… I know I’ve been away for a while, but I went through all my belongings, I’ve downsized, and moved.  It feels great – lighter, freeing!  Thanks for keeping with me!  With Love and Gratitude! Goldi

Nothing Lasts Forever-Enjoy-Live!

“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world—not even our troubles.”- Charlie Chaplin

When I turned 29 I worried for a whole year about turning 30.  Thirty was my scary age.  Seems kind of funny now, but I was frantic everyday for a year.  I asked myself questions like; “What have I done with my life?”  “Am I heading in the right direction?”  Questions upon questions until the day of my thirtieth birthday where luckily reality hit me, that day, was no different from the day before.  I had wasted a whole year, worrying about turning an age that I shouldn’t have been worried about.  The gift it gave me however, is that I’ll never worry about another birthday, and I will forevermore not consider myself old. Well, at least until I’m about 90.  😉

Unfortunately though, I didn’t learn the whole lesson, and was reminded again with the loss of love, and my financial future; sacrificing to accumulate, and reinvesting to prepare, trying to protect myself from what I didn’t think I could handle.  But,…when life happens, you do…, you handle it.

You learn to adapt and move on, and yes, you can make it harder on yourself by saying “why me” or “poor me”,  I know because – I did.  But, does it really serve us?  Do we really “own” anything? Our cars, our homes, our jobs, our loves, our life, isn’t it all temporary?  Yes, we can do things to “try” to protect ourselves, and we should; Like exercising to stay healthy, educating ourselves for the better job, loving and spending time with who we love, maintaing our homes and cars. But what we really need to do is RELAX-enjoy the moments.

Live your life doing something that you love, or something that allows you time, to do what you love.  Don’t give anything to much weight – the highs and the lows. Be extreme in your passion only, where by doing it gives you joy. Everything else in life should be done with moderation – no extremes.  Remember the best is “Goldilocks Way” somewhere in the middle.  Not my middle, or your friends middle, but your middle of what’s “just right”  for you, in every area of your life.

Just a thought…

With Love, Goldi


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