It’s not about you, It’s about me – Self Love

I think we spend too much time thinking about what another person is thinking – what’s their motive, where are they going, how do I fit in? Unfortunately I found most people either to be very self absorbed, where everything is about them, and they take, take, take; or they are givers who are self sacrificing and never thinking of themselves.

Deep in thought and introspection, I realized why this is… I’m a giver, and I’ve given with my whole heart and soul, which I always thought was a good thing.  I prided myself on my generosity and patted myself on the back because of it. Feeling good and super human, I gave, gave, gave, until I had nothing left to give.  My epiphany was, as a selfless giver, who else was I going to find and attract… a taker needs a giver – a giver needs a taker.

As Goldilocks wandering out in the woods, searching to find her “just right” place, home, food, chair, bed, life, etc. I realized that it’s not about them, it’s about me.  Why didn’t I love myself enough to think about what is best for me? What was it that I wanted?  It didn’t matter what they were thinking or what their motives were, I couldn’t control them, I only could control me.

As I started taking care of myself, I became happy again, and started attracting great people. People who are both givers and takers, as in most things, what is usually best or “just right”, is somewhere in the middle.

It’s good to give, but it’s also good to receive – not taking or giving, too much or too little.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Creating my “just right” life…

A Perfect Life

My passion is apparent if you’ve been reading my post, it’s that we create and live our perfect life, the life that is “just right” for us.  It’s tailored made to suit us perfectly. Most of the post read that’s its about going after something big, something that we want to attain in the pursuit.  The truth is the joy and happiness comes not from the attainment but in the doing. My goal is to travel and write, and I admit I’m not traveling and writing yet like I see it in my mind; but I’m happy now, because I’m writing. I’m doing what it is that I’m passionate about.  I’m not putting it off. I’m living it now.

I also want to be clear that a perfect life can be the one your living… we all have different wants, desires, needs, and passions.  I have a friend who is very happy with her life as a wife, mother, and friend.  She is the glue, keeping us all in touch, and feeling the love.  She takes great pride in the life she leads, and all of us who know her,  are better off because of it.

It doesn’t matter what you do, it’s how you do it…so however you choose to live your life – it’s perfect!

Just a thought….

Love, Goldi

Creating my perfect life in a perfect world…

The Perfect Life = A Life You Don’t Need to Escape From

“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.”  Seth Godin

I love what I am doing.  I could sit here all day long blogging, writing,  exploring places that I want to travel too, and how I am going to make it possible to live my dream.  I love it so much so, that at times I have to force myself to step away,  to interact with friends.  I guess the pull is so strong because for years I was miserable doing “all the right things”.  Things that friends and family expected of me, and was more the norm.

I’m not going to lie. I have moments where I think I may be crazy, because my new life is going against the way I have lived for years, and I wonder if I will make it.  But, I am happy for the first time in years, and that seems rather priceless to me right now.

Money and your material possessions can be taking away from you, how you feel inside can not.  Isn’t it time we started focusing on what brings us joy,  start working our passion, and creating the lives that we want.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Creating my “just right” perfect life…