A Place of Peace

Yoga on a mountain top – In my mind thats where I am….well either there or on the beach 🙂  I put myself, in a place of peace, creating a sense of serenity. Hearing the ocean waves gently rolling in, with the sun heating up my skin. Or feeling like the majestic tree, strong but flexible, bending with the wind. I keep my eyes closed, and see myself doing a sun-salutation, sweeping my arms up filled with joy. Then pausing at the end with hands placed together, then lowered until they are centered over my heart. Here, I reflect on thoughts of all I have to be grateful for, while still feeling a joyful heart. When I open my eyes, I feel a sense of peace.

I’ve been doing this years before I ever started physically taking yoga, and it’s my reminder to you, that we have everything we need to be happy.  Find your place of peace.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi



Beauty Secret 101

The most beautiful people I know are not necessarily the ones who have  undergone plastic surgery, but are the people who are so beautiful on the inside, that the beauty just radiates outwardly. They smile and you see it in there eyes and on their face. It seems as if they’re almost glowing.  They’re happy with who they are, where they are, and live life with a kindness and a gentleness that is felt by those around them. What’s in your heart and soul; who your are inside; and what you are thinking is what will be reflected on the outside.

So smile, and truly be a good person.  It’s the best beauty secret you can do for yourself, those around you…and, you might even help the world. 🙂


Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

A Wabi-Sabi Way of Life

Describing wabi sabi is complex.  As I believe, it’s something felt by all of your senses, and not what you think with your rationalized intellectual mind. It’s a heart felt intuitive intelligence. In art, objects, and life, it’s where everything, in its beautiful randomness shows us true beauty with its flaws and imperfections, not despite them. Where we are more in harmony with nature, versus trying to controlling it. Where art and objects are organic and natural, versus man made with shiny polished surfaces. Where you feel the warmth, and see the beauty, in everything that has endured the test of time. Where knowing that life is full of meaning, but its not perfect or permanent. Where a sense of freedom is felt by not getting caught up in worldly values, but instead enjoying tranquility in our world by living simpler, slowing down, and letting things develop in there own way.

Go confidently towards the life of your dreams – just be true to yourself, be real,…fully live, and appreciate each day.


Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


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