Radiate Love

Take a moment today to sit in silence, to sit in stillness. While still centered in your stillness – reflect on gratitude, reflect on some of the many small miracles around you, like your breath or the smile of a small child.  Let those thoughts as they begin to grow, start turning into feelings of love and joy, growing larger and larger inside of you. Sit with this feeling for a moment. Then from this centered point of loving and joyful energy, let the energy rays spread out shining brightly in all directions. And, as you carry on through out your day, let the people you encounter see and feel this quality about you; through the way you speak, the way your carry yourself, and through your actions. Radiate Love in everything you do.


Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Love Your Life

During the holiday season you’re either very busy running around with extra parties to attend, presents to buy, and other various additional tasks; or you’re wishing you were socially busier. Holidays seem to amplify how we feel, and deal, with our daily life.  We tend to expect or desire certain outcomes, before we feel we can fully love our life. We forget to just love our life as it is. So, take a moment to Love Your Life, right now, just as it is. Close your eyes with your hands pressing, joining together at your heart center – Anjali mudra – Prayer position, and sit in stillness, for a moment of gratitude and reflection. Honoring yourself. Honoring others. Appreciating all that you have. Letting go of expectations, on any level, on any thing, and focusing your thoughts to that of just pure appreciation. 

Do this everyday, and trust me, your world will change.

Just a thought,

Love, Goldi

From Me to You – Thank You!

Looking around, I can see I have so much to be thankful for, I can see everything that is right in my life. And, from time to time, I also notice what doesn’t work. As soon as I realize what I’m doing, I refocus, and begin again to appreciate all that’s working in my life.  That list is always longer when I break it down. Learn to nurture and appreciate all the good things in your life, and thats what you’ll get more of. Focus on gratitude, and the rest will work it’s self out.

Think about it this way…Once, you gave someone a gift of time, or money, or objects. You gave it freely, but the receiver never thanked you, never appreciated your efforts. You might of even given to this receiver more than once, but eventually you got it. They were never going to thank you, and the urge to give to them stopped too.

The same is true for you…if you want to receive all the good that is to come your way, you need to appreciate every little thing that has come your way. It makes people feel good to give, appreciate it, because we know it feels good to receive. Feel good all the time – give when you can, and appreciate all that you have.

Make everyday a day of Thanksgiving…

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

-Thank you for reading. Thank you for sharing. Thank you, for being you 🙂