Nothing Lasts Forever-Enjoy-Live!

“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world—not even our troubles.”- Charlie Chaplin

When I turned 29 I worried for a whole year about turning 30.  Thirty was my scary age.  Seems kind of funny now, but I was frantic everyday for a year.  I asked myself questions like; “What have I done with my life?”  “Am I heading in the right direction?”  Questions upon questions until the day of my thirtieth birthday where luckily reality hit me, that day, was no different from the day before.  I had wasted a whole year, worrying about turning an age that I shouldn’t have been worried about.  The gift it gave me however, is that I’ll never worry about another birthday, and I will forevermore not consider myself old. Well, at least until I’m about 90.  😉

Unfortunately though, I didn’t learn the whole lesson, and was reminded again with the loss of love, and my financial future; sacrificing to accumulate, and reinvesting to prepare, trying to protect myself from what I didn’t think I could handle.  But,…when life happens, you do…, you handle it.

You learn to adapt and move on, and yes, you can make it harder on yourself by saying “why me” or “poor me”,  I know because – I did.  But, does it really serve us?  Do we really “own” anything? Our cars, our homes, our jobs, our loves, our life, isn’t it all temporary?  Yes, we can do things to “try” to protect ourselves, and we should; Like exercising to stay healthy, educating ourselves for the better job, loving and spending time with who we love, maintaing our homes and cars. But what we really need to do is RELAX-enjoy the moments.

Live your life doing something that you love, or something that allows you time, to do what you love.  Don’t give anything to much weight – the highs and the lows. Be extreme in your passion only, where by doing it gives you joy. Everything else in life should be done with moderation – no extremes.  Remember the best is “Goldilocks Way” somewhere in the middle.  Not my middle, or your friends middle, but your middle of what’s “just right”  for you, in every area of your life.

Just a thought…

With Love, Goldi

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Life’s Compounding Interest-Nothing Happens and Then Everything Happens

“Nothing happens, and nothing happens, and then everything happens.” – Fay Weldon

Compound interest is where interest is collected and added to the principle amount invested so that the principle plus the interest are now earning interest. I have thought of it mostly in regards to finance, and still remember the story told to me by one of my high school teachers.  He said two friends were playing golf.  The first friend said; “lets bet $25 dollars on each hole”. The other friend said; “No, lets bet $1 on the first hole and then double it at each hole.”  The first friend thought the other friend wanted to keep the match friendly and the stakes low, even though they both were well off, and agreed to start at $1. By the time they reached the eighth hole the friend was laughing thinking his friend really put it to him, as that hole would cost him $128.  By the fourteenth hole, and at $4096, it wasn’t funny anymore. By the time he reached the eighteenth hole the bet was a whopping $131,072.

I drive through two neighborhoods, one is a new and is without any trees or natural beauty. The second neighborhood is older with big majestic trees and mature landscaping. One house in particular has rock and stone paths, a water fall and pond, flower beds, shrubs and trees all perfectly placed.  The type of landscaping that only evolves after time and effort.

I started blogging about a year ago and using twitter and about a month ago.  In both cases it was slow going getting my first followers. In fact, it seem like forever, but then one came and then eventually another, and now that I have several it seems that they are coming quicker.  Like a snowball running down hill.  It just keeps getting bigger and faster as it goes.

Life is like that.  We have to plant our seeds, continue to do the work, and one day we will look up and see what we have created…

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Creating my perfect life in a perfect world…

PS. Please follow me on facebook 😉 or I guess I should say  “like” me. Please ask your friends to follow, retweet, share, or “like” me…    With thanks and gratitude, Goldi

Earth Fare – Doing Things in a Certain Way!

This morning I wrote on my Twitter account; “today is going to be a great day!”  I have been feeling like that a lot lately…, that somehow everything is going to be okay – better than okay!  I feel joyful, and I have a sense of peace and calm about me.  I am happy that I am creating my life, and I love what I am doing!

I realized that my circumstances should not control me.  That I control me, and I am happier and healthier because of it.  I stated that today is going to be a great day, and, it is.  I woke up early and saw my beautiful daughter, went to “walk and talk” with a friend, started writing, and now – I just won a smoothie from Earth Fare!  They are all just simple little things, but they all have brought me joy!

Earth Fare is our local Healthy Supermarket here in, Asheville NC, that has expanded into four states, and now has 17 stores and counting. (Yea – more jobs!)  When you walk into an Earth Fare you feel the difference compared to other supermarkets, and you see the difference in their products, in their employees, and in their decor. It’s a sense of quality, cleanliness, and comfort.  A place where you might want to hang out at, and actually can.  I am new to Twitter and Facebook for that matter, but when Earth Fare posted on the their Twitter account that the next person to respond to them would win a free smoothie, I thought for a split second, “that’s silly”, “I will never win”, “I don’t want to look goofy trying for something and failing”, and, it’s just a smoothie.  Then I thought – no this is just fun, and I tweeted back, and won!  Imagine what we do with our larger decisions… and look at the good it has done!  It has brought me joy, Goldilocks Blog was posted on their Twitter Page and Earth Fare gets a blog post inspired by them. Just by giving me a smoothie, and they are getting back at least double their investment, since this post will forever be out here in cyber world:)

So in my very unusually long and round about way…,my thought for today is this – may be the answer to one of life’s questions is, to just do things in a certain way.  To claim the way you want your life.  Fun, Happy, with Quality, Cleanliness and Comfort.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Having a perfect life in a perfect world…