How Do You Walk Through Life?

I teach yoga. And, you would think that most people who walked into the room, would be open. Open to the possibilities of how the class will unfold in whatever way it will. Open to different styles, Open to – whatever – that happens – to be, – ending with – just perfect, in that time and place. Today, a student walked in first unhappy that I wasn’t the teacher that she had wanted, even though she had never taken a class from me before. Then asking if I was going to turn the heat off on a cold morning, with temperature inside the room hovering at low 70‘s, because the artificial heat would bother her asthma, she declared. I thought the cold would be better than a student who couldn’t breathe, so I honored her request.  Then while warming the students up, and easily noticing that she had not been following my warm up, since she was right in front of me in the front row. She screams out. Oh come on. Is this an hour long class, Yes, I said. Then in her sarcastic tone, Well can you speed it up already. Disregarding again, all of the other students, in her wannabe, I guess, private class.  Disregarding all the other students who are regulars to my 6:30 am morning flow, who know my class, who were today practicing in the cold for her, and who were now, being disrupted by the outburst.

I tried to keep my composure and continue the class in a calm, positive, and uplifting place.  But, as she was having to deal with me, which clearly wasn’t what she wanted, I and the other students were having to deal with her, in what clearly wasn’t the experience that we had wanted. We’re not going to be all things to all people. Some will like us, and some will not. Who knows whats going on in her life personally… All I could do is remain clam, grounded, and positive. Teaching the class, as I had intended, for the good of all.  I think we both came around. She looked like she relaxed as I gave her an assist in shavasana, sending love as I did it.  When the class was over, she calmly walked out of the room when she left.

You can’t be all things to all people, but you can decided how you will handle all things. Walking in the path of kindness, happiness, and love, is not about pretending that life is always easy and working the way you have perceived it, but it’s about how we respond to the challenges that life brings us.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Life’s Compounding Interest-Nothing Happens and Then Everything Happens

“Nothing happens, and nothing happens, and then everything happens.” – Fay Weldon

Compound interest is where interest is collected and added to the principle amount invested so that the principle plus the interest are now earning interest. I have thought of it mostly in regards to finance, and still remember the story told to me by one of my high school teachers.  He said two friends were playing golf.  The first friend said; “lets bet $25 dollars on each hole”. The other friend said; “No, lets bet $1 on the first hole and then double it at each hole.”  The first friend thought the other friend wanted to keep the match friendly and the stakes low, even though they both were well off, and agreed to start at $1. By the time they reached the eighth hole the friend was laughing thinking his friend really put it to him, as that hole would cost him $128.  By the fourteenth hole, and at $4096, it wasn’t funny anymore. By the time he reached the eighteenth hole the bet was a whopping $131,072.

I drive through two neighborhoods, one is a new and is without any trees or natural beauty. The second neighborhood is older with big majestic trees and mature landscaping. One house in particular has rock and stone paths, a water fall and pond, flower beds, shrubs and trees all perfectly placed.  The type of landscaping that only evolves after time and effort.

I started blogging about a year ago and using twitter and about a month ago.  In both cases it was slow going getting my first followers. In fact, it seem like forever, but then one came and then eventually another, and now that I have several it seems that they are coming quicker.  Like a snowball running down hill.  It just keeps getting bigger and faster as it goes.

Life is like that.  We have to plant our seeds, continue to do the work, and one day we will look up and see what we have created…

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Creating my perfect life in a perfect world…

PS. Please follow me on facebook 😉 or I guess I should say  “like” me. Please ask your friends to follow, retweet, share, or “like” me…    With thanks and gratitude, Goldi