
Often one goes for one thing and finds another. – Neem Karoli Baba

Alchemize – turning something ordinary into something special.

Often we do go for one thing and find something else. Often at first look, we’re disappointed that it’s not exactly how or the way we wanted it to be. And, often we overlook the fact that what we have perceived as maybe ordinary, can be or is, at second glance, transformed before our eyes to be something truly spectacular, and absolutely perfect in all ways, whether we know it or not.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Internal Yoga

Blessed are the flexible,

for they shall not be

bent out of shape.

– Anonymous

Yoga is not just a physical workout, but it’s working on yourself from the inside out. Helping us to remember what’s inside of us – our beauty, our strengths, our divine uniqueness. We learn to bend, so we don’t break. Flowing with the direction of the current, riding it out, and seeing what the universe bring’s across our path. Noticing without judgement. We learn to not take things personally. To listen from within, finding our truth, our guidance. We learn to speak and live this truth, in a kind way – Finding our strength and our peace.

Just a thought,

Love, Goldi