Surrounded By Good

An old Cherokee Legend that says there’s a battle of two wolves inside us all. One wolf is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, arrogance, self pity, resentment, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, generosity, truth, compassion. The wolf that wins? Is the one you feed.

I’m glad your reading my blog it’s a great way to feed the good wolf 😉  filling your mind with positive thoughts. Practicing Yoga, is another.  One of the distinct qualities of yoga is that it helps us to become more self aware. It gives us the opportunity for self study; bearing witness to our thoughts, feeling, emotions, and sensations in our bodies. After time and practice we begin to notice that we have moments where we are no longer just reacting to things, but bearing witness to those things as well and consciously responding, instead of mindlessly reacting. Helping us get clearer on what we value in our lives, like feeding our body, soul, and mind; with joy, love, peace, kindness, and all the good that we can surround ourselves with.

Surrounding you today with Love,


Let Karma Be Your Friend

Love yourself and all will come  – Zeina Zeeluv Smidi

Every moment we’re creating new karma by what we think, say and do. It even works on ourselves. If you want kindness, be kinder to yourself. If you want more love – love yourself.  Whatever you want in this world, give it to yourself.  Self love lifts us all. If we’re happy, the people around us lighten up as well.   

Make yourself happy, and let karma be your friend!

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Infused with LOVE

What would your life look like if you lived in a state of love twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year, and every year for the rest of your life.  I’m not talking about – the feelings of romantic love, although that would be good too 😉 but, love bound with kindness, compassion, and affection for the benefit of another. With every interaction, every look, every move that you make; with every thought or word spoken, the root of all, was Love.

What change in your personal world, could be made in your lifetime, or even a day, with this Love…Could it be, that even this simple act, like soft drops of water that can make a hole through the hard surface of a rock, could affect the world at large…

Infuse every moment with love and let’s see…

Just a thought…

With Love,
