Surrounded By Good

An old Cherokee Legend that says there’s a battle of two wolves inside us all. One wolf is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, arrogance, self pity, resentment, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, generosity, truth, compassion. The wolf that wins? Is the one you feed.

I’m glad your reading my blog it’s a great way to feed the good wolf 😉  filling your mind with positive thoughts. Practicing Yoga, is another.  One of the distinct qualities of yoga is that it helps us to become more self aware. It gives us the opportunity for self study; bearing witness to our thoughts, feeling, emotions, and sensations in our bodies. After time and practice we begin to notice that we have moments where we are no longer just reacting to things, but bearing witness to those things as well and consciously responding, instead of mindlessly reacting. Helping us get clearer on what we value in our lives, like feeding our body, soul, and mind; with joy, love, peace, kindness, and all the good that we can surround ourselves with.

Surrounding you today with Love,


Bringing In The Season

“We should give as we would receive, cheerfully, quickly, and without hesitation…”Seneca

Karma – what fruits will we reap from this years sowing…, giving, receiving, like the natural flow of life, has a cycle.   We must do both, and we must remember to always put love, and joy into our giving. When we give, we are not just giving an object, but giving energy from our thoughts and feelings, and attaching them to the gift.  The positive energy given is really more important than the gift. The energy given is the sowing, and the same energy that you’ll reap.

So put all the love, happiness, and joy, you’ve got into every gift!

Here’s hoping Santa brings me a Fisker Karma for Christmas!!!!!

Just a thought…

Love, Love, Love,  Goldi

Happy Holidays to ALL!!!!!