A Good Beginning

A good beginning is one that is altered by the end, and with the ending of 2010, another yearly cycle has begun. We have lost the ability to direct or change the ending, to our year in 2010, but we have the great opportunity to begin this year in a way that makes us proud of the ending we create for 2011.

Imagine what your life looks like a year from now?  What do you look like? Where are you? What are you doing? How do you feel? Now imagine living this life everyday, being joyful, happy, fulfilled, and at peace. Feel the gratitude of truly living your life. Imagine looking around you each and everyday, and being grateful for all you have. You see only the possibilities and the opportunities around, because you know what you want, you know where you want to go, and you know what you need to do to get there. Allow yourself to be and have everything you want. You deserve it.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

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I LOVE rainy days…

The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.  ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I’m taking a few days off to relax and rejuvenate.  I’m on the East Coast of Florida… and it’s raining. When you take a trip to the beach you think of days and days of sunshine – bright – happy, fun, sun filled days.  Then the unexpected rain storm comes, with a forecast of showers for the next five days. Panic or sadness may start to set in, because its not what you expected – life it like that, disappointed in not getting what you want. The reality is, that what you have instead, may be better, or at least, a different kind of good. For instance, on this rainy day at the beach; I didn’t have to worry about getting a sun burn. I walked endlessly without ever becoming over heated. And, the beach seemed to be my own private sanctuary, in an area of towering buildings.

On this walk, in the quiet of my own private beach 😉 I tilted my face to the sky, and drank in a deep breath of fresh saltwater air. I took a moment to feel the tiny drops of cool rain.  I felt so alive,  calm, peaceful, and yet invigorated by the moment.  It was just the result I was hoping for, from my time on the beach.

“I am sure it is a great mistake always to know enough to go in when it rains.  One may keep snug and dry by such knowledge, but one misses a world of loveliness.” ~Adeline Knapp

Every day has its beauty – find the loveliness of your world…

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


http://twitter.com/GoldilocksBlog – Twitter

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Fairy tales – Real or Rumor?

“‘Know thy self’ may not be the best; A pinch of self-delusion it turns out is an important ingredient in the happiness recipe.” – Eric Weiner  quote via twitter@bmccall17

Once upon a time a friend of mine posted on her facebook page, “Fairy tales don’t exist…reality does…”  Which of course prompted me (Goldilocks) to post; “I believe”.  And yes, I have wondered if I’ve become a little delusional… I did do some deep soul searching, and I have been looking for, finding, and then spewing positive “self help” information and ideas, all of which has made me happier, and I hope, has helped you too!  However, I think the key ingredient for me, was to put myself in a reality that was different from the one that I was living… so call me delusional in my fairy tale world, I don’t care, because – it works – I’m happy.

Wishing that you create your own happy fairy tale reality, where nothing is too good to come true.

Just a thought…

With love for you and your dreams,


Creating my perfect life in a perfect world…