How Do You Walk Through Life?

I teach yoga. And, you would think that most people who walked into the room, would be open. Open to the possibilities of how the class will unfold in whatever way it will. Open to different styles, Open to – whatever – that happens – to be, – ending with – just perfect, in that time and place. Today, a student walked in first unhappy that I wasn’t the teacher that she had wanted, even though she had never taken a class from me before. Then asking if I was going to turn the heat off on a cold morning, with temperature inside the room hovering at low 70‘s, because the artificial heat would bother her asthma, she declared. I thought the cold would be better than a student who couldn’t breathe, so I honored her request.  Then while warming the students up, and easily noticing that she had not been following my warm up, since she was right in front of me in the front row. She screams out. Oh come on. Is this an hour long class, Yes, I said. Then in her sarcastic tone, Well can you speed it up already. Disregarding again, all of the other students, in her wannabe, I guess, private class.  Disregarding all the other students who are regulars to my 6:30 am morning flow, who know my class, who were today practicing in the cold for her, and who were now, being disrupted by the outburst.

I tried to keep my composure and continue the class in a calm, positive, and uplifting place.  But, as she was having to deal with me, which clearly wasn’t what she wanted, I and the other students were having to deal with her, in what clearly wasn’t the experience that we had wanted. We’re not going to be all things to all people. Some will like us, and some will not. Who knows whats going on in her life personally… All I could do is remain clam, grounded, and positive. Teaching the class, as I had intended, for the good of all.  I think we both came around. She looked like she relaxed as I gave her an assist in shavasana, sending love as I did it.  When the class was over, she calmly walked out of the room when she left.

You can’t be all things to all people, but you can decided how you will handle all things. Walking in the path of kindness, happiness, and love, is not about pretending that life is always easy and working the way you have perceived it, but it’s about how we respond to the challenges that life brings us.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Love in Your World

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. – Ralph W Emerson

You’re happiness in life is your creation – it’s what you perceive your reality to be.  You have the power to create and perceive the life that you want.  If you want a miserable life, you can have it. Turn on the news, look for mean people, associate with those who are negative, and be negative yourself. The possibilities are endless to find sadness, but why?  Why choose to live in that world, and in that reality.

Choose instead to live in a world where every morning when you wake up, you know it’s going to be a great day!  That somehow, all things, are working in your favor. You live looking for the good in others. It’s out there – you see it. You see the LOVE in people; objects; in jobs well done; in crafts made with care; in flowers; animals, and in the sun, wind and rain! Love is everywhere! YOU are also the LOVE, and you feel it in every bone in your body, and in every breath you take. Happiness and peace is there, the joy follows, and the beauty is easy to see.

Just a thought… 🙂

With LOVE for you on this beautiful day, Goldi

Defining Yourself

If you label yourself, or believe in the label that someone else has given you, you deny yourself the possibility of any other truth. Break out of those confines. You don’t have to live in that box. Believe in your unlimitedness. Believe that anything is possible. Believe that you have so much potential. Believe that you can create your perfect life.  Believe that you can live it now. 

You’re amazing! You have many gifts! Keep evolving, and keep changing as you discover more!


Just a thought…

Love, Goldi