Thoughts of Love, Peace, and Being Unique

When we are born, we are not given choices of traits.  There is no one asking us what specific Nationality, Race, or Religion that we would like to be.  No choices of being tall, short, or of having a rich family. No choices of whether we want to be artistic, athletic, intuitive, analytical or any number of other characteristics. Yet we treat ourselves and each other as if we did.  We are all unique and we should love ourselves and each other for that reason alone.  There are many things the world would not have if everyone was like me,… which is a relief, that in our differences, we don’t have to be everything.

Sometimes people treat others as if they had a choice. Sometimes we dwell on why our life is harder, because of the choices we didn’t have. And, sometimes we forget that we have choices now. We can choose love,   peace, compassion, and understanding.  We can’t change whether we are tall or short, as well as many other traits that we are born with,  but we can choose to use the traits that we have, and make the best of it.   Choose to use your unique gifts and create your perfect life.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi – Twitter – Facebook

Life – “Just Right”

With Thanksgiving behind us and New Years Resolutions around the corner, I know some of you are already thinking about weight loss, and a healthier lifestyle.  It then, can become a little overwhelming when you start thinking about staying on track, and living your whole life – “Just Right”.  Its time to ask ourselves… Am I headed in the right direction? Am I doing everything that I can do, that will bring me to where I want to go?  Can I do better?  Am I looking at the greater good – the action that will ultimately lead me to my ultimate result? Am I talking less and doing more? Am I living the life I want to now?  What do I need to do today, tomorrow, and the day after? What are the goals for this week, next week, next month, and the year?

Set yourself some goals. Then do what you can today. Enjoy with love and gratitude for the opportunity to live. Stand tall with honor. Try always to be better, and continue to direct the course of your life.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi – Twitter – Facebook

Treasure Found On The Beach – Gratitude

About a year ago I had a dream that I was alone on the beach, and felt a deep sense of joy an peace. I was walking with the waves to my left and the shore to my right. My footsteps hit where the ocean met the sand, with my feet occasionally getting wet, by the still warm waters running in with the waves.  The sun sparkled on the water, but it wasn’t so bright to be blinding, just a beautiful glistening. I looked down to where my next step would land, and I noticed a different shimmer. So I stopped to investigate. The next waves white foam receded back to the ocean, revealing parts of a gold chain and pendant encrusted with rubies. The rest was hidden by the sand, but I knew there was more. I couldn’t believe my good fortune – that no one else had seen this.

Today I went for a walk on the beach, and it was so much like my dream, that I kept looking for the treasure – ” just knowing” that it would appear.  As I walked, and walked, and walked, I realized the treasure was… the beautiful day, the warm water, the serenity and peacefulness of being alone on the beach. With the luxury of being able to see and feel it all.  I couldn’t believe my good fortune. 🙂  and I reminded myself on this week of Gratitude and Thanksgiving, of all we have to be thankful for. Everything is right in front of our us – We have it now! So much to be grateful for!  Look for it, it’s all around!

Just a thought…

Treasured images found today

Love, Goldi – Twitter – Facebook