Be Delusional – Being Realistic Can Lead to a Life of Mediocrity

Think about it… you have a dream… a perfect life… you think for a moment that you can have it.  You start taking the steps to get there, and WAMO, a fear pops up.  You take a step back, and think “I can’t do it”, or worse, you never begin.  Change is not going to happen overnight, and life will put obstacles in our way, and when that happens you need to deal with it, and then get back on the path of the the life that you want.  Otherwise, you may be left with a mediocre life, that’s passionless and without purpose.

Become delusional to the fear, and have a great time with your life. It’s important to do what we love, because the road to being the best we can be requires work, and if we are passionate about it, we will want to work at it, and if we work at it, we will do well. At the very least we will be happy on a daily bases, and that’s how we can all make a difference in our world.  When we are happy with what we are doing, everything overflows into more joy and happiness in our life; and in the lives of those we touch.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi – Twitter – Facebook

Why do we do what we do? What is our purpose?

Some things are in our control and others are not.  In our control are our thoughts; pursuits, desires, opinions, etc.  Which include deciding what our purpose is, and/or, what we want it to be.  Also, in our control, are our actions.  Do you flip flopping back and forth, second guessing yourselves, trying to make sure that you are making the right decision?  Or do you know what your purpose is and where you want to go?  Knowing makes the decision easier, by constantly reminding yourselves of the life that you want, then basing your actions from there.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Having a perfect life in a perfect world…

New Year’s Resolutions, Self-Help, Self-Improvement

Year’s Resolutions, isn’t it just another name for self-improvement, or self-help?  I want us to go beyond the losing weight, saving money, or any other top New Year’s Resolution.  I want us to be happy, and doesn’t being happy encompasses many things.  If we were truly happy, wouldn’t it be easier to lose New weight, or to stop smoking etc.  I know when I am happy I seem to be more productive.  I get more tasks accomplished in one day.  Which includes exercising, being proactive in my goals, and being more “there” with my family.  We tend to live larger!

To be happy we need to connect with our inner bliss our inner purpose.  When we connect to that which we know is the right path, the right direction, the right goal or dream…  we feel that inner bliss.  We feel love.

If you do not already know…keep asking yourself this question;  What does my perfect life look like, In all directions?  If you have your answer and all ready know your true essence and purpose, keep directing your life in that direction.  Your happiness will bring all that you want, and then some…   Just a thought!

Love, Goldi

Goldilocks Blog

Having a perfect life in a perfect world…