A Simple Way To Make A Difference

The way you live in each moment, matters. We are connected to each other in ways that we don’t even fully comprehend. Or, at least, we seem to act like we don’t understand. Newton has told us that every action has an equal an opposite reaction. Knowing with this law, it’s surprising that we tend to forget that what we put out, comes back to us. Why would we ever choose to act in any other way than, kind, loving, caring, and compassionate, or any other positive attribute.  Because all that we want to receive is good, and positive.

Galileo tells us that in the absence of any force or friction, that a moving object will continue moving. So positive and negative words and thoughts, and the energy that comes with them, can perpetuate. Hopefully we’ll allow the positive influences to continue on indefinitely. I know that at times it becomes hard when what comes towards you is less than positive, and you instantly want to give back what was given to you. But your world, and your extended world would be so much better if you made the change, and shifted your reaction to a positive one.

This is how you can help make the world a better place. This is how you can make a difference, by shifting anything negative to positive, and by letting anything positive, carry on. 


Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Loving Statements

I love you.

I think your great.

I believe in you.

I respect you.

I trust you.

Say these statements to your family; mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife, sons and daughters. Say them to your friends, or anyone that you care about. But, most importantly – don’t forget – say them to yourself! It will make a difference!

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


Having the perfect life in a perfect world…

Acts of Love

We do not need to be in a romantic relationship to be loving.  We can be loving to our friends, family, pets, and most importantly, as I have recently discovered, ourselves.  We can even be loving to strangers by  small, but, loving acts.

Acts of love on any level make a difference: A husband who fills his wife’s gas tank up for her, just because he knows that she hates to do it. A co-worker who runs ahead to hold the door open. A friend listening to a friend who needs to feel heard, or you, simply smiling at a stranger – makes a difference.

Make a difference to someone – be loving.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


Having the perfect life in a perfect world…