The moment that we are in…

Today I started working out. Part of my perfect life is having a healthy body. I also, embarrassingly, would like to look a little better, and get rid of some of these soft spots that have developed.  I’m not really over weight for most of America.  I am, however, about 20 lbs overweight, if you are in New York, Miami, or LA.  My main goal is to maintain my health, and fortunately I have always been very blessed in this area of my life, but last week – my brother had a heart attack!  I think I am still in shock. He is too young. I never expected to get that call.  He is doing okay, and I’m putting it out there right now, that I am expecting a full recovery!

I feel like I am on the right path of working towards my perfect life, and everything that I want in it.  I have moments however when I start to revert back to my old way of thinking.  The phone call from my brother was a hard reminder that we are only guaranteed the moment that we are in.  So we should be doing something that we love, or we should be with someone that we love, or a function serving a purpose that will help us or someone we love. Why waste any moments on anything other than joy, love, happiness, and hope. Connect only with good people and good thoughts.

Lets not waste any time – it is too precious!  What is your next step toward creating your perfect life?

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Love Yourself

Kathy P wrote to me today: “Soon the snow will melt away and the Spring flowers will bloom. We can sit out in the sun and feel our spirits lift.  I think April will bring new life and hope…”

My response was to remind her that every moment is a new beginning if we want it to be.  We can take a moment however, if we need to sit quiet.  If that is what our bodies and souls need. That may be our new beginning – the contemplation, instead of the reaction.  Do what feels right to you.  Nurture yourself as you would a child.  Love yourself, and when you are ready, begin…

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Goldiolcks Blog

Having a perfect life in a perfect world…

What is Love

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love, Goldi

Goldilocks Blog

Having a perfect life  in a perfect world…