I love my life!

Every morning I write a paragraph of all of things that I am grateful for, and for the feeling of having everything that I want.  I have been doing this for about a year.  Slowly I noticed that I have made some changes, and that I do have the life now that I want.  I envisioned being happy.  Having a great love. The discipline to exercise more. A great social life, and time to spend with my family and friends.  Traveling more, and of loving the work that I do.  And, I am living that life. I am writing, which is the work that I want to do.  I am traveling and have been to California twice, Maine, North Carolina and Florida.  I am making plans for more travel as soon as I get all my affairs in order.  I realize that I do have people around me that love me, and my relationships have gotten stronger.  In my quest to be healthier, and to spend more time in nature, and I am walking three days a week with a friend and then going on a long hike on Saturdays with my daughter exploring different places every week.  I realized that I am living the life that I want already.   It may not be as glamourous as I had imagined in my mine, yet, but, I am doing all the things that I wanted to do.  I have peace in my mind when I go to bed, and I am happy now.  I am grateful for the roof over my head, and the warm bed that I sleep in.  I have a deep belief that I will continue to have all that I want, and my life will only get better.

Take a deep breath, look around – appreciate what you have…

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Goldilocks Blog

Having a perfect life in a perfect world…

Happy – Wherever you are!

The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.

–Henry Ward Beecher

Last night I finished Eric Weiners book – The Geography of Bliss, One Grump’s Search for the Happiest Places in the World. I have to say that I know longer feel the need to travel to the happiest places in the world, even though I still want to.  I think I finally really get it.  Happiness is within us.  It is not outside of us.  Thats why poor people  can be happy and the wealthy can be miserable.  We really do create own joy and misery in our minds and hearts.  It is what we perceive.

The other day when I was down, and I doing the “poor me” thing to my mother.  She said, “Today you are fine, don’t worry about tomorrow.”  Then she changed the subject.  I immediately became defensive and wanted to argue with her about all the reasons why I should be miserable. But, before I spoke, a thought popped into my head, may be it’s all of my self help talk; It said to me, “Do you really want to be right this time?”  “Do you want to be miserable?”  “Do you want to argue that you are?”  So I didn’t say anything to her, I don’t want to be miserable, and I dont want to be right that I am, and as I let her ramble on about nothing.  I thought about what she said before.   Right now at this very moment – I am fine.

So I am focusing on all of the things that I have to be grateful for right now. It is surprising how big a list that you can make when you are looking for it.  And, if you are grateful, how can you not be happy!

For more on Eric Weiner  http://www.ericweinerbooks.com

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Goldilocks Blog

Having the perfect life in a perfect world…


The traditional Thanksgiving Day has come and gone, but it made me think, shouldn’t we celebrate it every day? Studies have shown that people who are grateful have higher levels of well-being. They tend to be happier, more satisfied, develop self acceptance, and purpose in their lives.  They sleep better, and cope better, with positive thoughts and actions.  Life just tends to be better!   And, I am all for that!

So Cheers to celebrating Thanksgiving each and ever day!

Just a thought!

Love, Goldi


No longer searching…but having the perfect life in a perfect world!