Every morning I write a paragraph of all of things that I am grateful for, and for the feeling of having everything that I want. I have been doing this for about a year. Slowly I noticed that I have made some changes, and that I do have the life now that I want. I envisioned being happy. Having a great love. The discipline to exercise more. A great social life, and time to spend with my family and friends. Traveling more, and of loving the work that I do. And, I am living that life. I am writing, which is the work that I want to do. I am traveling and have been to California twice, Maine, North Carolina and Florida. I am making plans for more travel as soon as I get all my affairs in order. I realize that I do have people around me that love me, and my relationships have gotten stronger. In my quest to be healthier, and to spend more time in nature, and I am walking three days a week with a friend and then going on a long hike on Saturdays with my daughter exploring different places every week. I realized that I am living the life that I want already. It may not be as glamourous as I had imagined in my mine, yet, but, I am doing all the things that I wanted to do. I have peace in my mind when I go to bed, and I am happy now. I am grateful for the roof over my head, and the warm bed that I sleep in. I have a deep belief that I will continue to have all that I want, and my life will only get better.
Take a deep breath, look around – appreciate what you have…
Just a thought…
Love, Goldi
Goldilocks Blog
Having a perfect life in a perfect world…