
If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid.


I feel foolish and stupid most of the time…I am not sure why I am not content with accepting my life as it is, but I am working on it.  I realize now that I have to take a step back and let things unfold as I go, knowing that I do not see the whole picture, and that I can not control everything or really anything but myself.  I am however a champion at seeing what can be, and I am great at taking steps in the direction that I want to go.  Sometimes I achieve and sometime I don’t, but I keep on trying…creating new and different dreams.  My creations were always about making a living. Such as I can do this because it will produce an income stream that will support my family. To…they said I could not do it, so now I have too.  To…this will help my friends, and we will have fun along the way.  Some of my decisions were brilliantly foolish and stupid, and others were just foolish and stupid!

This is the first time that I have thought about what I want my life to look like?  What do I think a perfect life looks like?  …and, will I allow myself to have a perfect life? It has been a struggle.  Some days are easy, because it is what I want to do, and other days are hard because I am still living in my former life, and it seems to take time with obligations, some of which you want to see through, and others that you would just like to pull the band aid and have it over with.  At what point do you stop with the old and completely move on with the new?  Is it a pulling apart that just takes ease and patience, pulling slowly and gently as you are moving over the delicate areas?

I guess that is it.  Are lives are so intwine with so many others, that unless you do not care where anyone else lands that is associated with you, or of the consequences, that it is going to take time. We will have to keep adapting, evolving, and improving along the way. Going with the flow, but always with the goal in mind, knowing that we will get there!

Just a thought!

Love, Goldi


Searching for a perfect life in a perfect world…

Goldilocks Call For Action

Looking for the Good!  Seeing the Good!  Watching for the Good!

We are all the same, and yet different.  We are all beautiful and yet ugly.  We are all good and yet bad.  When we turn on the news however 99% of what is reported is of caution, is horrific in nature, and is of ugliness in the world.  So I need your help! I want to see and hear about the good, and the beauty of people in our world around us.  I want to focus on that!  Send me stories! Send me photos! If you know of someone who inspires you, who is doing good deeds, or if you see anything or know of anything in the world that is positive please let me know in an email or as a comment.  It can be as small as today I saw the man in front of me pay for a lunch of someone in need, or I saw the most beautiful flower, or of larger things like a country like Bhutan with their Gross National Happiness, or of someone who is capable of moving mountains with good deeds, like Oprah, but who I have just not yet talked (blogged) about.

Lets Talk about it!  Lets See it!  Lets do it!  Lets focus on the positive and work from the place, the assumption, and the perspective that we are all good, beautiful, and are perfectly imperfect now! Just as we are! If we look, we will see it!  If we see it, it will grow!

Just a thought!



Goldilocks Blog

Searching for the perfect life in a perfect world…

BELIEVE – Melanie Oudin

BELIEVE is the word that 17 year old Melanie Oudin has stamped on the side of her tennis shoe.  Melanie is at the US Open in NY, believing, and now living her dream!  Is it that simple? Believing in what you want?  I think the answer is yes!  It is that simple!  We must believe that we can succeed!  We must have faith!  If not we have already failed, and if at times we have doubts or we have temporary setbacks, it is never too late to renew our faith and belief.  We can thank Melanie for that reminder as well. She keeps having to come back from behind…is it that she temporarily forgets?  Then remembers (believes) that she can do it, and then she does…she wins! I am not sure what is exactly going through Melanie’s mind at that moment, but I am sure that she believes… and I think you should too!

Just a thought!

Love, Goldi

Searching for the perfect life, in a perfect world…