Drink What You Pour

One day during my yoga teacher training, I asked my teacher: how do you stay up and keep your own energy, when everyone seems to want something from you. He looked at me and said, drink what you pour.  I walked away in silence, and thought, of course…LOL, we know what to do, it’s everything we tell others.  Believe and live what your saying. That’s what I’ve been doing with this blog, reminding myself and others of all that’s important, and yet, I still needed to be reminded, so I thought may be you did too. 🙂


Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

How do you view your life?

When I was little, and things didn’t go as planned – Like being stranded in a broken down car, before cell phones, in the middle of nowhere. My mom would say – let’s think of it as if we’re on an adventure, and we kept happily and excitedly moving forward. Like we were Indiana Jones. I forgot about this as I grew older, but I’m glad I remembered. What a great way to view life – as an adventure. Enjoying the present moment that we have, and remembering that we do have choices on how we view our life.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos

Peace of mind is not a goal I need to achieve.  It’s a place inside I never want to leave.  Close my eyes, I still my thoughts and then I say I will choose to live in peace today. – Robert Alan

It’s a choice to disengage from the energy of those around you, when the energy is not so positive.You can’t change the other person, you’ve got to change yourself. Either distance yourself from the situation or person, if harmful, or work on whatever it is that’s making you react within yourself.  Still your thoughts, quiet your mind, let it be easy. In the long run, happiness, love, peace, never last from outside sources, but always comes from within. You have to be the one that makes you happy, you have to be the one that gives you peace.

Love yourself – Just a thought…

Love, Goldi