Live the dream!
Be in Bliss!
Live life the way you want it to be!
Create enthusiasm!
Use your imagination! LIVE! Enjoy!
Just a thought!!!
Love, Goldi
Living Life – Just Right
When I was little, and things didn’t go as planned – Like being stranded in a broken down car, before cell phones, in the middle of nowhere. My mom would say – let’s think of it as if we’re on an adventure, and we kept happily and excitedly moving forward. Like we were Indiana Jones. I forgot about this as I grew older, but I’m glad I remembered. What a great way to view life – as an adventure. Enjoying the present moment that we have, and remembering that we do have choices on how we view our life.
Just a thought…
Love, Goldi
Live with no regrets, meaning always do your best, always be your best. And, on any given day, our best may be sub par, but if on that day that’s the best we can do, then that’s the best we can do. Always be kind, gentle, and understanding, to others and to YOURSELF. Live life nurturing whats important – people and YOURSELF. Live your life with the thought, that everything in the end, will work out for the best. Follow what feels right to you. Follow what brings you joy, and love, and bliss. Follow your dreams, because it’s your life. -Live the life that makes you happy.
Just a thought…
Love, Goldi