Fairy tales – Real or Rumor?

“‘Know thy self’ may not be the best; A pinch of self-delusion it turns out is an important ingredient in the happiness recipe.” – Eric Weiner  quote via twitter@bmccall17

Once upon a time a friend of mine posted on her facebook page, “Fairy tales don’t exist…reality does…”  Which of course prompted me (Goldilocks) to post; “I believe”.  And yes, I have wondered if I’ve become a little delusional… I did do some deep soul searching, and I have been looking for, finding, and then spewing positive “self help” information and ideas, all of which has made me happier, and I hope, has helped you too!  However, I think the key ingredient for me, was to put myself in a reality that was different from the one that I was living… so call me delusional in my fairy tale world, I don’t care, because – it works – I’m happy.

Wishing that you create your own happy fairy tale reality, where nothing is too good to come true.

Just a thought…

With love for you and your dreams,


Creating my perfect life in a perfect world…


The traditional Thanksgiving Day has come and gone, but it made me think, shouldn’t we celebrate it every day? Studies have shown that people who are grateful have higher levels of well-being. They tend to be happier, more satisfied, develop self acceptance, and purpose in their lives.  They sleep better, and cope better, with positive thoughts and actions.  Life just tends to be better!   And, I am all for that!

So Cheers to celebrating Thanksgiving each and ever day!

Just a thought!

Love, Goldi


No longer searching…but having the perfect life in a perfect world!